
The Neurospine Biomechanics Laboratory in the Mechatronic Systems Engineering Program at Simon Fraser University was established with the primary objective to develop tools to prevent and manage neurospine injuries and diseases. In pursuing this goal the lab aims to 1) educate students in performing independent, high-quality biomechanics research, 2) apply mechanical engineering principles to characterize the mechanisms of neurospine injury, 3) apply mechanical theories to develop patient specific models of neurospine injury, and 4) design and analyze injury prevention devices to optimize their performance and develop new injury prevention and treatment strategies. The Neurospine Biomechanics Laboratory works closely with surgeons at Vancouver General Hospital and the University of California, San Francisco to guide our research to clinically relevant problems. Our laboratory also works with accident reconstruction experts to advance injury analysis techniques and to mechanically evaluate injury prevention devices.

Current Projects

Mechanical characterization of neurological tissues

Simulation of spinal cord injury

Thermodynamic modeling of hypothermic treatment of spinal cord injury 

Please visit the Neurospine Lab website for more information about our research, facilities and people.