################################################################### ################################################################### ################ Database of Finite Perfect Groups ################ ################ Written By ################ ################ ################ ################ Vahid Dabbaghian ################ ################ E-mail: vdabbagh@sfu.ca ################ ################ ################ ################ August 2010 ################ ################################################################### ################################################################### You need to extract the file PG.zip which contains PerfGrp.txt GrelPerfectGroups.txt PermPerfectGroups.txt PG_demo.mw and this README file. The main one is PerfGrp.txt Before you read it into Maple set the current directory. If you are running windows the command will be something like this > currentdir("C:/Documents and Settings/vdabbagh/PerfectGroupsPackage"); If you are running Maple in a Unix system use > currentdir("/home/vdabbagh/PerfectGroupsPackage"); Then execute > read "PerfGrp.txt"; Then call the PerfectGroups package using the following command > with(PerfectGroups); To test it execute the following commands > NumPerfectGroups(1920); > PerfectGroup(1920,1); The src code contains Maple style help pages for each command which you can refer to. The following is a demo file which you can open. You will need to set the current directory appropriately. PG_demo.mw