TA-TM Application Form

If you have any questions, or would like to complete a hard-copy application, please email mfarmer@sfu.ca or come in person to the Department of Archaeology, EDB 9635.

(example: Arch 373, Spring, 2020)


Optional: CV attachment

If you chose to attach your CV (5 MB maximum size), please use the following file name convention: LastName_FirstName(first initial only)_JobTitle.pdf.

Example: George_E_ARCH372TA.pdf

The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB

Thank you for your interest.  We will contact you if you are offered a position.

Simon Fraser University is committed to the principle of equity in employment and offers equal employment opportunities to qualified applicants. (See Policy GP 19).

The information submitted with your application is collected under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468, s. 27(4)(a)), applicable federal and provincial employment regulations and requirements, the University's non-academic employment policies and applicable collective agreements.

The information is related directly to and needed by the University to initiate the employment application process. The information will be used to contact references supplied by you, evaluate your qualifications and complete the employment process by making a hiring decision. Applicant information may also be disclosed to the Teaching Support Staff Union in accordance with Article XIII F.3.1.a (iv) of the Collective Agreement.

If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information please contact the Associate VP, Human Resources, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6. Telephone 778-782-3237.