This website is updated by members of the mailing list (e.g. bisc317-webadmin) which managers can access and update via https://maillist.sfu.ca/.

This is the address BISC317 webmasters will use to access files on the SFU server: https://webdav.sfu.ca/web/biology/courses/bisc317/ Note you must copy and paste the link not double click it. (and the biology2 is correct for webdav- the 'www' link is biology, but biology2 will also work.

Windows, Please try these instructions:

Mac OS X: use the "Connect to Server..." option in the Finder's "Go" menu [or Command-k].

Once you access the BISC317 folder, do not move or edit the DONT_DELETE_ACCESS.txt file. The most common mistake is to copy all the files in a folder and move them (including DONT_DELETE_ACCESS.txt).

To edit webpages, try the free and open source http://www.bluegriffon.org/

You might make a copy of the file before you edit. Open the webpage in two different windows, and then after you work on it and save it, reload one page so you can compare the before & after to see if any formatting is messed up. You might also compare how it is rendered in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome or any other browser (Safari).

Students access the website via http://www.sfu.ca/biology/courses/bisc317/

All images and information appearing on this website are intended for educational purposes only, and are the exclusive property of their respective owners.

Website created by Nathan Woodbury. The website is updated by members of the mailing list bisc317-webadmin which managers can access via https://maillist.sfu.ca/.