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BISC Achievements at the Entomological Society of British Columbia Meeting!
At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Entomological Society of British Columbia (ESBC) at UBC, several Biology students won awards.
Emmanunel Hung (Gries-lab) received the 'Best PhD Student Presentation Award' for his talk 'Paint it black: The relative importance of light intensity, colour, and polarization for stable fly attraction'.
Jenelle Breen (Biology/AAFC) received the Undergraduate Student Presentation Award for her talk 'Examining the efficacy and optimal conditions for production of a novel betabaculovirus for control of blackheaded fireworm, Rhopobota naevana, in Canadian cranberry'.
Mikhaela Ong (Gries-lab) received the ESBC Graduate Scholarship.
Congratulations to Emmanuel, Jenelle, and Mikhaela!