Life on the Edge: Impacts of Habitat Fragmentation on Grassland Songbirds


February 20, 2012

Welcome! This section of the website will be updated every month or two with project progress.

With the first field season complete, preliminary data trends from the first field season have been summarized in a report. Although mostly nonsignificant, the first field season produced some interesting trends which are excited about pursuing in the 2012 field season. Here are some highlights:
The Vesper Sparrows turned out to be more elusive than expected: we found 41 nests of nine avian species, 14 of which were Vesper Sparrow nests.
The nest predation rates from these nests indicate a potential agricultural edge effect on nest predation, but this needs to be confirmed with more data from a second season.
Snakes may be the most important nest predator in the shrubsteppe system: three of five predation events captured on camera were perpetrated by yellow-bellied racers (snakes), and there is a significant correlation between number of snakes detected and the proportion of nests predated at the plot level.
Point count data grassland birds may prefer interior habitat to edge habitat, and may also prefer vineyard edges to orchard edges.

We are currently in the planning stages for field season number two. In order to increase our sample size, we have decided to choose new study sites for the coming summer, some of which will be in Washington state. A set of ideal study sites has been selected, and we will be contacting landowners soon to ask site access permission. We look forward to meeting new faces and making new connections.

Stay tuned for more news!