WARNING: This probably doesn't work with PHP3"; # Used in day.php $vocab["bookingsfor"] = "Scheduling for"; $vocab["bookingsforpost"] = ""; # Goes after the date $vocab["areas"] = "Group"; $vocab["daybefore"] = "Go To Day Before"; $vocab["dayafter"] = "Go To Day After"; $vocab["gototoday"] = "Go To Today"; $vocab["goto"] = "goto"; $vocab["highlight_line"] = "Highlight this line"; $vocab["click_to_reserve"] = "Click on the cell to Schedule."; # Used in trailer.inc $vocab["viewday"] = "View Day"; $vocab["viewweek"] = "View Week"; $vocab["viewmonth"] = "View Month"; $vocab["ppreview"] = "Print Preview"; # Used in edit_entry.php $vocab["addentry"] = "Add Entry"; $vocab["editentry"] = "Edit Entry"; $vocab["editseries"] = "Edit Series"; $vocab["namebooker"] = "Brief Description:"; $vocab["fulldescription"] = "Full Description:
  (Arrangements with other people etc,
  Internal/External etc)"; $vocab["date"] = "Date:"; $vocab["start_date"] = "Start Time:"; $vocab["end_date"] = "End Time:"; $vocab["time"] = "Time:"; $vocab["period"] = "Period:"; $vocab["duration"] = "Duration:"; $vocab["seconds"] = "seconds"; $vocab["minutes"] = "minutes"; $vocab["hours"] = "hours"; $vocab["days"] = "days"; $vocab["weeks"] = "weeks"; $vocab["years"] = "years"; $vocab["periods"] = "periods"; $vocab["all_day"] = "All day"; $vocab["type"] = "Type:"; $vocab["internal"] = "Internal"; $vocab["external"] = "External"; $vocab["save"] = "Save"; $vocab["rep_type"] = "Repeat Type:"; $vocab["rep_type_0"] = "None"; $vocab["rep_type_1"] = "Daily"; $vocab["rep_type_2"] = "Weekly"; $vocab["rep_type_3"] = "Monthly"; $vocab["rep_type_4"] = "Yearly"; $vocab["rep_type_5"] = "Monthly, corresponding day"; $vocab["rep_type_6"] = "n-Weekly"; $vocab["rep_end_date"] = "Repeat End Date:"; $vocab["rep_rep_day"] = "Repeat Day:"; $vocab["rep_for_weekly"] = "(for (n-)weekly)"; $vocab["rep_freq"] = "Frequency:"; $vocab["rep_num_weeks"] = "Number of weeks"; $vocab["rep_for_nweekly"] = "(for n-weekly)"; $vocab["ctrl_click"] = "Use Control-Click to select more than one person"; $vocab["entryid"] = "Entry ID "; $vocab["repeat_id"] = "Repeat ID "; $vocab["you_have_not_entered"] = "You have not entered a"; $vocab["you_have_not_selected"] = "You have not selected a"; $vocab["valid_room"] = "person."; $vocab["valid_time_of_day"] = "valid time of day."; $vocab["brief_description"] = "Brief Description."; $vocab["useful_n-weekly_value"] = "useful n-weekly value."; # Used in view_entry.php $vocab["description"] = "Description:"; $vocab["room"] = "Person"; $vocab["createdby"] = "Created By:"; $vocab["lastupdate"] = "Last Updated:"; $vocab["deleteentry"] = "Delete Entry"; $vocab["deleteseries"] = "Delete Series"; $vocab["confirmdel"] = "Are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this entry?\\n\\n"; $vocab["returnprev"] = "Return to previous page"; $vocab["invalid_entry_id"] = "Invalid entry id."; $vocab["invalid_series_id"] = "Invalid series id."; # Used in edit_entry_handler.php $vocab["error"] = "Error"; $vocab["sched_conflict"] = "Scheduling Conflict"; $vocab["conflict"] = "The new Schedule will conflict with the following entry(s):"; $vocab["too_may_entrys"] = "The selected options will create too many entries.
Please use different options!"; $vocab["returncal"] = "Return to calendar view"; $vocab["failed_to_acquire"] = "Failed to acquire exclusive database access"; $vocab["invalid_booking"] = "Invalid Scheduling"; $vocab["must_set_description"] = "You must set a brief description. Please go back and enter one."; $vocab["mail_subject_entry"] = $mail["subject"]; $vocab["mail_body_new_entry"] = $mail["new_entry"]; $vocab["mail_body_del_entry"] = $mail["deleted_entry"]; $vocab["mail_body_changed_entry"] = $mail["changed_entry"]; $vocab["mail_subject_delete"] = $mail["subject_delete"]; # Authentication stuff $vocab["accessdenied"] = "Access Denied"; $vocab["norights"] = "You do not have access rights to modify this item."; $vocab["please_login"] = "Please log in"; $vocab["user_name"] = "Name"; $vocab["user_password"] = "Password"; $vocab["unknown_user"] = "Unknown user"; $vocab["you_are"] = "You are"; $vocab["login"] = "Log in"; $vocab["logoff"] = "Log Off"; # Authentication database $vocab["user_list"] = "User list"; $vocab["edit_user"] = "Edit user"; $vocab["delete_user"] = "Delete this user"; #$vocab["user_name"] = Use the same as above, for consistency. #$vocab["user_password"] = Use the same as above, for consistency. $vocab["user_email"] = "Email address"; $vocab["password_twice"] = "If you wish to change the password, please type the new password twice"; $vocab["passwords_not_eq"] = "Error: The passwords do not match."; $vocab["add_new_user"] = "Add a new user"; $vocab["rights"] = "Rights"; $vocab["action"] = "Action"; $vocab["user"] = "User"; $vocab["administrator"] = "Administrator"; $vocab["unknown"] = "Unknown"; $vocab["ok"] = "OK"; $vocab["show_my_entries"] = "Click to display all my upcoming entries"; $vocab["no_users_initial"] = "No users in database, allowing initial user creation"; $vocab["no_users_create_first_admin"] = "Create a user configured as administrator and then you can log in and create more users."; # Used in search.php $vocab["invalid_search"] = "Empty or invalid search string."; $vocab["search_results"] = "Search Results for:"; $vocab["nothing_found"] = "No matching entries found."; $vocab["records"] = "Records "; $vocab["through"] = " through "; $vocab["of"] = " of "; $vocab["previous"] = "Previous"; $vocab["next"] = "Next"; $vocab["entry"] = "Entry"; $vocab["view"] = "View"; $vocab["advanced_search"] = "Advanced search"; $vocab["search_button"] = "Search"; $vocab["search_for"] = "Search For"; $vocab["from"] = "From"; # Used in report.php $vocab["report_on"] = "Report on Schedule:"; $vocab["report_start"] = "Report start date:"; $vocab["report_end"] = "Report end date:"; $vocab["match_area"] = "Match Group:"; $vocab["match_room"] = "Match Person:"; $vocab["match_type"] = "Match type:"; $vocab["ctrl_click_type"] = "Use Control-Click to select more than one type"; $vocab["match_entry"] = "Match brief description:"; $vocab["match_descr"] = "Match full description:"; $vocab["include"] = "Include:"; $vocab["report_only"] = "Report only"; $vocab["summary_only"] = "Summary only"; $vocab["report_and_summary"] = "Report and Summary"; $vocab["summarize_by"] = "Summarize by:"; $vocab["sum_by_descrip"] = "Brief description"; $vocab["sum_by_creator"] = "Creator"; $vocab["entry_found"] = "entry found"; $vocab["entries_found"] = "entries found"; $vocab["summary_header"] = "Summary of (Entries) Hours"; $vocab["summary_header_per"] = "Summary of (Entries) Periods"; $vocab["total"] = "Total"; $vocab["submitquery"] = "Run Report"; $vocab["sort_rep"] = "Sort Report by:"; $vocab["sort_rep_time"] = "Start Date/Time"; $vocab["rep_dsp"] = "Display in report:"; $vocab["rep_dsp_dur"] = "Duration"; $vocab["rep_dsp_end"] = "End Time"; # Used in week.php $vocab["weekbefore"] = "Go To Week Before"; $vocab["weekafter"] = "Go To Week After"; $vocab["gotothisweek"] = "Go To This Week"; # Used in month.php $vocab["monthbefore"] = "Go To Month Before"; $vocab["monthafter"] = "Go To Month After"; $vocab["gotothismonth"] = "Go To This Month"; # Used in {day week month}.php $vocab["no_rooms_for_area"] = "No People defined for this group"; # Used in admin.php $vocab["edit"] = "Edit"; $vocab["delete"] = "Delete"; $vocab["rooms"] = "People"; $vocab["in"] = "in"; $vocab["noareas"] = "No Groups"; $vocab["addarea"] = "Add Group"; $vocab["name"] = "Name"; $vocab["noarea"] = "No group selected"; $vocab["browserlang"] = "Your browser is set to use"; $vocab["postbrowserlang"] = "language."; $vocab["addroom"] = "Add Person"; $vocab["capacity"] = "Capacity"; $vocab["norooms"] = "No People."; $vocab["administration"] = "Administration"; # Used in edit_area_room.php $vocab["editarea"] = "Edit group"; $vocab["change"] = "Change"; $vocab["backadmin"] = "Back to Admin"; $vocab["editroomarea"] = "Edit Group or Person Description"; $vocab["editroom"] = "Edit Person"; $vocab["update_room_failed"] = "Update Person failed: "; $vocab["error_room"] = "Error: Person "; $vocab["not_found"] = " not found"; $vocab["update_area_failed"] = "Update group failed: "; $vocab["error_area"] = "Error: group "; $vocab["room_admin_email"] = " admin email for this:"; $vocab["area_admin_email"] = "Group admin email:"; $vocab["invalid_email"] = "Invalid email!"; # Used in del.php $vocab["deletefollowing"] = "This will delete the following times"; $vocab["sure"] = "Are you sure?"; $vocab["YES"] = "YES"; $vocab["NO"] = "NO"; $vocab["delarea"] = "You must delete all people in this group before you can delete it

"; # Used in help.php $vocab["about_mrbs"] = "About MRBS"; $vocab["database"] = "Database: "; $vocab["system"] = "System: "; $vocab["please_contact"] = "Please contact "; $vocab["for_any_questions"] = "for any questions that aren't answered here."; # Used in mysql.inc AND pgsql.inc $vocab["failed_connect_db"] = "Fatal Error: Failed to connect to database"; ?>