Please note the information below is subject to change. NOW- Please contact to request the mysql database creation.
- A sponsored departmental account on Fraser (to hold the PHP code). (Webdav will not work for PHP). That is done by getting a form from the front office and the dept paying a small nominal yearly fee.

- A MySQL id and database (to hold the data for the application) I am contacted to set up the id and database. The service is free to departments. I just require a sponsor, namely someone that works in the particular department and will take responsibility for what is done with it.

Access to the MySQL server on Fraser is granted by request.

It must be for an SFU-related project and sponsored by an SFU department.
I can be contacted at the e-mail address or phone number below by a faculty member or administrator in your department willing to sponsor your project.

Conditions of use:
- You will be given a MySQL account and password and access to your own MySQL database. We can give a little bit of help to help you get started and we provide minimal DBA support, but you would be mainly on your own with the database service. It would be up to you to maintain a backup of mySQL data. In the event of a system failure, we cannot guarantee that the data can be restored. It is up to you to do periodic data dumps in order to be able to recreate and rebuild your database should the unforeseen occur. [2007- Data is now backed up but that does not mean you should not back up your data!

- There is a limited amount of disk space available for MySQL databases and other stuff on the Fraser machine, the institutional timesharing system. You will be sharing this limited space with others. Thus you will need to be judicious in your use of disk space and CPU cyles pertaining to the mySQL server.

If these conditions match your needs and you want to go ahead, I will be asking for the following information:

- A short sentence describing usage (I sometimes put mySQL users in touch with each other if it looks like they have common needs).
- MySQL id desired
- MySQL database name desired
- Contact info (in case something goes wrong in the system, who I can contact
to discuss things with).