Summer 2018 

The biophysics/soft matter journal club meetings/seminars will be held Mondays at 12:30 pm in P8445.2 unless otherwise stated.




May 7

John Bechhoefer

Enzyme leaps fuel antichemotaxis. 

May 14*

Chris Thachuk (Comp. and Math Sci, Caltech) 10:30am in P8445.2

Programming energy landscapes for absolute molecule positioning and robust molecular computation 

May 28

Eldon Emberly

Shaping bacterial population behavior through computer-interfaced control of individual cells  

June 4

Chapin Korosec

Universality of clone dynamics during tissue development  

June 11

Nancy Forde

Quantitative mass imaging of single biological macromolecules


June 18

Tushar Saha

Equilibrium Free Energies from Non-equilibrium Trajectories with Relaxation Fluctuation Spectroscopy 

June 25

Steven Large

Ultrafast imaging of cell elasticity with optical microelastography 

July 16

Lavisha Jindal

Role of metabolic spatiotemporal dynamics in regulating biofilm colony expansion  

July 23

Miranda Louwerse

Motor-like Properties of Nonmotor Enzymes  

July 30

Avinash Kumar

Opto-thermoelectric nanotweezers  

August 27

Ya-Wei Hsueh (Physics, National Central University, Taiwan)

Phase behavior and molecular interactions within membranes containing lipids and sterol