Pre-approved Complementary Study Electives

MSE students must complete 9 units (or 3 courses) of breadth courses (B-Hum and B-Soc) with at least one course in each B-Soc and B-Hum category.  All courses designated as B-Hum or B-Soc from the SFU Certified Breadth List, with the exception of those under the Faculty of Applied Sciences, are valid.

MSE second degree students are considered to have met the comlementary electives requirement of the program.   As per University policy,  students admitted to second degrees are exempt from all of the Breadth requirements, the lower-division W course, and one Q course. The remaining W and Q courses must be a minimum of 3 credits each; the W course must be upper-division and within the major, while the Q course may be upper- or lower-division. Second degree students must meet the FAL and FAN prerequisites in order to enrol in W and Q courses. Second degree students who have met WQB requirements in a first degree at Simon Fraser Unviersity are still required to meet this UD W and Q requirement for the second degree. 

IMPORTANT:   Students are advised to visit the following link for SFU Breadth courses to double check the designation of courses for B-Hum or B-Soc as they might change from time to time: