Roadmap to Summer 2024

Your undergraduate journey at SFU starts here!

Refer to this timeline to navigate important dates, activities, and events that you won't want to miss between now and your first day of classes in May.


University Prep 1
  • Complete University Prep, Step 1 course to prepare for your transition to SFU. Learn about our academic culture to help set you up for success, the range of supports and services available to SFU students, and more. 


Get ready to enrol
  • An email will be sent to your non-SFU email address indicating that your SFU computing ID is ready for activation. You will need to activate your SFU computing ID to register for classes.
University Prep 2
  • Complete University Prep, Step 2 to prepare for enrolment and learn how to build a balanced schedule, choose classes using goSFU, and connect with an advisor.
Enrol and submit final documents


Learn how to find your people and get involved
  • Complete SFU 101 to learn all the information needed to start your first term at SFU successfully!


Get SFU-ready
  • Attend Welcome Day.
  • Participate in Month of Welcome.
  • Pay your tuition and fees, and get ready for your classes.

All Announcements & Updates