
Vancouver as the Gateway to Asia: How Chinese Art and Artists Have Come to Our City

April 01, 2019


Zheng Shengtian is an artist, scholar, and curator based in Vancouver. Before 1990, he worked at the China Academy of Art as Professor and Chair of the Oil Painting Department. He was a visiting professor at the University of Minnesota and San Diego State University, Secretary of the Annie Wong Art Foundation, and Founding Board Director of Vancouver International Centre for contemporary Asian Art. Currently, he is the Managing Editor of Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Adjunct Director of the Institute of Asian Art at the Vancouver Art Gallery, and a trustee of Asia Art Archive in America. Zheng has organized and curated numerous exhibitions and events, and has frequently contributed to periodicals and catalogues. In 2013, Zheng Shengtian: Selected Writing on Art  was published in four volumes by China Academy Press. In 2011, he was given the Lifetime Achievement Award for curatorial work by the Vancouver Biennale. He received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Emily Carr University of Art + Design in 2013.

鄭勝天身兼藝術家、學者及策展人,現居溫哥華。1990年前,他擔任中國美術學院教授及油畫系主任,並曾是明尼蘇達大學及聖地亞哥州立大學客座教授、梁潔華藝術基金會秘書長及溫哥華當代亞洲藝術國際中心創會理事。他目前擔任《Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art》(典藏國際版)總策劃,兼任温哥華美術館亞洲館總監及亞洲藝術文獻庫(美國)理事。他策劃過眾多的展覽與活動,論著也常在期刊及圖錄中發表。2013年中國美術學院出版社出版了四卷本的《鄭勝天藝文選》。2011年温哥華雙年展向他頒發「終身成就奬」以表揚其策展工作。2013年,鄭勝天獲加拿大 Emily Carr 藝術和設計大學頒授榮譽博士學位。


  • David Lam Centre
  • Global Asia Program

Monday, April 1, 2019

5:00 - 7:00pm

Centre A Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
205 - 268 Keefer Street, Vancouver

Reception with light refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP.