
Selected Recent Invited Public Addresses, etc.

Barrow, R. (2013, October). Keynote speaker delivering the first "Richard Peters Memorial Lecture," University of London.

Barrow, R. (2013, January). Keynote Speaker at Firstv International Philosophy of Education Conference, Bangalore, India.

Barrow, R. (2010). Some reflections on philosophy of education, classics, literature and universities. Invited Address at PER, Red Lion Square.

Barrow, R. (2009). Nature of Philosophical Analysis. First Speaker, symposium, New College, Oxford, UK.

Barrow, R. (2009). Public education: On the Brink? British Columbia Teachers Federation.

Barrow, R. (2008). Academic Freedom. Keynote address at Roehampton University.

Barrow, R. (2007). Plato’s Nightmare. Invited Speaker at Lions, Kelowna, BC.

Barrow, R. (2007). Empirical research into Teaching. Chief Speaker in debate, King’s College, University of London.

Barrow, R. (2006). Democracy. Invited Address at South Place Ethical Society, Conway Hall, London, UK.

Barrow, R. (2006). Censorship. BBC 4, Broadcast House, London, UK.

Barrow, R. (2006). Heart and Soul of Curriculum. Keynote Address, Saporo, Japan.

Barrow, R. (2005). On the Duty of not Taking Offence. First John Wilson Memorial Lecture, Oxford, UK.
