SFU celebrates the life of Steve Whitmore

November 16, 2019

Obituary: Steve Whitmore, April 27, 1955 – November 7, 2019

SFU engineering science senior lecturer Steve Whitmore passed away on November 7. Whitmore had been a part of the School of Engineering Science (ENSC) since 1992 and was a favourite among his students and colleagues. A Celebration of Life event will be held on November 20 at 4:00 p.m. in TASC1 9204 on SFU's Burnaby campus.

An expert in technical communications, Whitmore co-founded the ENSC writing/communications courses and program that have been a central part of the school. This key piece of the curriculum helps ensure SFU’s engineering students graduate with communication skills that set them apart from peers in the field.

Whitmore published several guidelines and handbooks for professional communication in technical and non-technical fields. He co-authored the textbook Strategies for Engineering Communication, which is used in courses at SFU and other post-secondary institutions.

A beloved instructor, Whitmore was always finding ways to put a smile on the faces of his students. He made his classes engaging, and would collaborate with colleagues to create new opportunities for students to put their skills into practice. His dedication to his work was evident – even when he was battling an illness, his primary focus was on ensuring that students in his class were being supported in his absence.

Whitmore was an integral part of the SFU’s engineering science community for more than 27 years, and will be deeply missed by everyone.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019
4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
TASC1 9204, SFU Burnaby