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Patrick Palmer
Professor, Graduate Student Supervisor
Mechatronic Systems Engineering
- Ph.D., Imperial College London, UK
- M.A., University of Cambridge, UK
- B.Sc. (Eng), Imperial College London, UK
Research Interests
- Power Semiconductor devices (inclucding WBG) and driver design.
- Wide Band Gap device based converters.
- The Electrical Grid for sustainable energy generation.
- Ship propulsion and EV systems,
- Multi-physics computer simulation and optimisation methods,
Teaching Interests
- Present and Future Electrical Energy Systems
- Power Electronics
- Motor drives and Systems
Selected Recent Publications
- "Physics-based compact model of integrated gate-commutated thyristor with multiple effects for high-power application", G. Lyu, C. Zhuang, R. Zeng, T. Long, P.R. Palmer, IET Power Electronics, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 1239-1247, 2018.
- "Physical Investigation Into Effective Voltage Balancing by Temporary Clamp Technique for the Series Connection of IGBTs", X. Yang, J. Zhang, W. He, Z. Long, P.R. Palmer, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 248-258, 2018.
- "Coordinated Switching with SiC MOSFET for Increasing Turn-off dV/dt of Si IGBT", P.R. Palmer, X. Zhang, J. Zhang, E. Findlay, T. Zhang, E. Shelton, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2018, Portland, OR, September 23-27, 2018.
- "Optimisation of gate-commutated thyristors for hybrid DC breakers", G. Lyu, Z. Yu, R. Zeng, J. Liu, X. Zhang, T. Long, P.R. Palmer, IET Power Electronics, Vol.10, No.14, pp. 2002-2009, 2017.
- "An experimental comparison of GaN, SiC and Si switching power devices", P.R. Palmer, X. Zhang, E. Shelton, IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, China, October 29-November 1, 2017, pp. 780-785.
- "Design and measurement considerations for WBG switching circuits", E. Shelton, N. Hari, , P.R. Palmer, 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE2017 ECCE Europe), Warsaw, Poland, September 11-14, 2017, pp. P.1-P.10
- "Investigation of the Tradeoff between Switching Losses and EMI Generation in Gaussian S-shaping for High-power IGBT Switching Transients by Active Voltage Control", X. Yang, Z. Long, Y. Wen, H. Huang, P.R. Palmer, IET Power Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 9, pp. 1979-1984, 2016.
- "Robust Stability Analysis of Active Voltage Control for High-power IGBT Switching by Kharitonov's Theorem", X. Yang, Y. Yuan, Z. Long, J. Goncalves, P.R. Palmer, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 2584-2595, 2016.
- "Adiabatic DC-AC Power Converter with 99% Efficiency", J. Wood, E. Shelton, K. Rathbone, M. Baghdadi, P.R. Palmer, PCIM conference, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2016.
- "Physics-based insulated-gate bipolar transistor model with input capacitance correction", X. Yang, M. Otsuki, P.R. Palmer, IET Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 417-427, 2015.
- "Shaping High-Power IGBT Switching Transitions by Active Voltage Control for Reduced EMI Generation", X. Yang, Y. Yuan, X. Zhang, P.R. Palmer, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 1669-1677, 2015.
- "A Discretized Proportional Base Driver for Silicon Carbide Bipolar Junction Transistors", G. Tolstoy, D. Peftitsis, J. Rabkowski, P.R. Palmer, H-P. Nee, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 2408-2417, 2014.
- "Energy recycling from multigigahertz clocks using fully integrated switching converters", S. Sheikhaei, M. Alimadadi, G.G.F. Lemieux, S. Mirabbasi, W.G. Dunford, P.R. Palmer, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 4227-4239, 2013.
- "Modeling bipolar power semiconductor devices", T.K. Gachovska, J.L. Hudgins, E. Santi, A. Bryant, P.R. Palmer, Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics, Vol. 5, 2013.
- "Inverse induction motor modelling of a submarine propulsion system". P.R. Palmer, A. MolinaCristobal, G.T. Parks, Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion, ESARS 2012, pp.1-10, 2012. DOI:10.1109/ESARS.2012.6387445
- "Multi-fidelity simulation modelling in optimization of a submarine propulsion system". A. Molina-Cristobal, P. R. Palmer, B.A. Skinner, G.T. Parks. Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicle Power and Propul-sion Conference, VPPC 2010, pp. 1-6, September 2010.
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