Gordon McTaggart-Cowan

Associate Director and Associate Professor
Sustainable Energy Engineering


  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2006
  • M.A.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2002
  • B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, 1999

Industrial and research interests

  • Clean, low-carbon transportation
  • Vehicle technology modelling and assessment
  • Renewable gaseous fuels
  • Fuel availability and infrastructure
  • Gaseous fuel storage, compression and conditioning
  • Performance and emissions control for internal combustion engines

Teaching interests

  • Fluid mechanics with energy system applications
  • Thermodynamics and energy conversion

Recently taught courses

  • SEE 225 - Fluid Mechanics (Spring 2020, 2021, 2022)
  • SEE 324 - Heat and Mass Transfer for Energy Engineering (Summer 2020)
  • SEE 894 - Special Topics II (Fall 2021) 

Selected recent publications

  • Oldknow, K., Mulligan, K. and McTaggart-Cowan, G. The Trajectory of Hybrid and Hydrogen Technologies in North American Heavy Haul Railway Operations. Railway Engineering Science. July 2021.
  • Sarangi, A., McTaggart-Cowan, G., Davy, M., Kirchen, P. and Garner, C.P. Two-colour pyrometry measurements of low-temperature combustion using borescopic imaging. SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0426. SAE World Congress Experience, April 2021.
  • Khosravi, M., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Kirchen, P. Pyrometric Imaging of Soot Processes in a Pilot Ignited Direct Injected Natural Gas Engine. International Journal of Engine Research. 22(5):1605-1623, 2021. 
  • Rochussen, J., McTaggart-Cowan, G., and Kirchen, P. Parametric Study of Pilot-Ignited Direct-Injection Natural Gas Combustion in an Optically-Accessible Heavy-Duty Engine. International Journal of Engine Research. 21(3):497-513, 2020.
  • Huang, J., McTaggart-Cowan, G., and Munshi, S.R. Large-eddy simulation of direct injection natural gas combustion in a heavy-duty truck engine using modified conditional moment closure model with low-dimensional manifold method. International Journal of Engine Research. 21(5):824-837. 2020.
  • Singh, A., McTaggart-Cowan, G., and Kirchen P. Air Fuel Dilution in a Pilot Ignited Direct Injection Natural Gas Engine: Pollutants, Performance, and System Level Considerations. ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Meeting. Paper ICEF2019-7200. October 2019.
  • Yang, X., Vinhaes, V., Turcios, M., McTaggart-Cowan, G., Huang, J., Naber, J., Shahbakhtis, M, Schmidt, H, and Atkinson, W. Process for Study of Micro-pilot Diesel-NG Dual Fuel Combustion in a Constant Volume Combustion Vessel Utilizing the Premixed Pre-burn Procedure. SAE World Congress, Technical Paper 2019-01-1160. April 2019.
  • McTaggart-Cowan, G., Huang, J., Turcios, M., Singh, A, and Munshi, S. Evaluation of a Hot-Surface Ignition System for a Direct-Injection of Natural Gas Engine. ASME ICE Division Fall Technical Meeting. Paper ICEF2018-9734. November 2018. 
  • McTaggart-Cowan, G., Huang, J., and Munshi, S., Impacts and Mitigation of Varying Fuel Composition in a Natural Gas Heavy-Duty Engine, SAE Int. J. Engines 10(4):1506-1517, 2017.
  • Ouellette, P, Goudie, D. and McTaggart-Cowan, G. Progress in the development of natural gas high pressure direct injection for Euro VI heavy-duty trucks. In Proceedings of the Internationaler Motorenkongress 2016.
  • McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Mann, K., Huang, J., Singh, A., Patychuk, B., and Munshi, S.R. Direct Injection of Natural Gas at 600 bar in a Pilot-Ignited, Heavy-Duty Engine. SAE Int. J. Engines 8(3):981-996, 2015.
  • Sarangi, A.K., Garner, C.P., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Davy, M.H., Wahab, E. and Peckham, M. Load Transient between Conventional Diesel and Low Temperature Combustion. Proceedings of the I. Mech. E. Part D – Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 229. 2015. 

Selected recent patents

  • McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Mann, K., Huang, J. and Munshi, S.R. Method and Apparatus for Operating Gaseous-Fuelled Direct Injection Internal Combustion Engine. US patent 10167786. Issued January 2019.
  • Huang, J., Hill, P.G., Munshi, S.R. and McTaggart-Cowan, G.P. Air Enriched Gaseous Fuel Direct Injection for an Internal Combustion Engine. US Patent 10233871. Issued March 2019.
  • Fei, W., Walker, J.D., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., and Mann, K. Method and Apparatus for Fuel Injection and Dynamic Combustion Control. US Patent 9850827. Issued December 2017.
  • Munshi, S, McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Rogak, S.N., Bushe, W.K. Method and Apparatus of Fuelling an Internal Combustion Engine with Hydrogen and Methane. US Patent 8,469,009. Issued October 2017.
  • Wager, D.R., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Mumford, D.K. and Munshi, S.R. Fuel Injection Valve and Method of Actuating. US Patent 9366195. Issued June 2016.

Scholarly activities and affiliations

Associate Editor - Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part-D: Journal of Automobile Engineering

Member - SAE Engine Combustion Committee 

Visiting Fellow – Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK

Ad-hoc faculty member – Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, USA.