Dr. J.P. Manfred Mackauer


Mr. and Mrs. Mackauer at Thelma's 95th

When did you meet Thelma? 1961
In what capacity did you know Thelma? Colleague
Where are you now? Professor Emeritus, Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.
Wishes: Dear Thelma,
Belleville  and the Belleville Research Institute was the place where I was introduced to you shortly after arrival in Canada in late October 1961. Ingrid and I remember fondly our time in Belleville and the invitations to your house, followed by the many occasions here in Burnaby after we had joined Simon Fraser University to establish the Pestology Centre. Many thanks for more than 50 years of friendship  and all good wishes to your 100th birthday, Manfred & Ingrid Mackauer.