
South western British Columbia was analysized for its suitabilty for truffle farming. Four parameters were used to predict the most suitable areas: Precipitation (800-2000mm/yr); Aspect (135-315); Land use (forest only); Elevation (400-1500 m a.s.l.). The parameters were determined and collected from different sources, which contains opinions and suggestions form experts. The result of the analysis suggested that British Columbia contain many places that are suitable for truffle cultivation.


Truffles can be found everywhere across the globe; however, only a handful of these truffle species are edible to humans and the French black truffle is one of the few. Black truffle, also known as Tuber magnatum, is an ectomycorrhizal fungus that lives mutualistically within the roots of several species of trees such as: the Common European Hazelnut, Holly Oak, and English Oak. Moreover, they are well known for their distinctive aroma and is considered as a delicacy to many people (Mello et al. 2006). However, due to droughts in their natural habitats, the black truffles that are grown in France, Italy and Spain can cost over $1500 per kilogram (Edmonton Journal. 2008). Therefore, truffle farmers and mycologists have been working together to try to grow truffles in other places around the world.
In addition, the southwestern part of British Columbia is considered as an ideal place for truffle growth for its mild and climates. The purpose of this project is to find the most suitable sites for Tuber magnatum cultivation. Likewise, Boolean Multi-Criteria Evaluation of elevation, rainfall, land use and aspect were used to determine the most suitable cultivation areas.

Method & Data Peparation

1. ASCII files were collected from HectaresBC.
2. The ASCII files were then converted into Raster, and were clipped into desire shape using ESRI.
3. After clipping, the Raster files were then converted back to ASCII and were imported into IDRSI for further spatial analysis.
4. Each parameter was assigned with a new and favourable value of 1, and 0 for non-favourable areas. The following parameters were used: Precipitation (800-2000mm/yr); Aspect (135-315); Land use (forest only); Elevation (400-1500 m a.s.l.).









5. Since truffles are sensitive to all of the above factors, Boolean Multi-Criteria was used to determine the most suitable cultivation plots. When using overlay, multiple (intersection) was used instead of addition because both criteria must be fulfilled in order to get a value of one.







6. After achieving the desired area, the map was then converted into a shapefile then imported into ESRI for final touch. However, a projection is required in order to add a basemap.

Results & Discussion









Truffles are hard to farm because they can only grow under really strict environments. However, due to long term droughts in its native growing areas, truffle farmers are trying to grow these delicious fungi elsewhere in the world. According to TruffiCulture, the ideal climate for truffles is:

  • "Winter with nights at -1-5°, and days between 1O° to 14°C
  • Spring with alternating periods of damp and heat.
  • Hot Summer interrupted by thunderstorms or irrigation events, in late February/ March and an Autumn which is not too wet."

TruffliCulture also compared the environments of different regions that are currently growing truffles, and for this analysis the parameters used were acquired from these different regions. As shown in the map above, there are many places in Southwestern British Columbia that have ideal conditions for Truffle growth; however, futures farmers should get specialists to examine the plantation site beforehand.

The area of the Boolean MCE was too large; hence, a smaller study area was used after overlaying the parameters. Moreover, developing a truffle farm near major cities such as Vancouver is more cost efficient, because it can reduce commuting time and transportation fee. Likewise, truffle does not have a long shelf life; therefore, it by keeping the source near the city centre truffles' freshness can be maintained. Similarily, fresh truffle can also sell for a higher price, which is more favourable to farmers. Lastly, according to this analysis truffle farming could possibly take place in British Columbia. Since there are many areas that are suitable for truffle growth, British Columbia could be the next vacation hotspot for truffle lovers. Therefore, scientists and farmers should develop more truffle farms to help boost B.C.'s economy!!!

Limitations & Problems

Truffle farming requires lots of knowledge and preparation of the site; hence, for those who would like to farm truffles should contact a mycologist or an experienced truffle farmer for site assessment. For instance, according to the Truffle Cultivation Specialists, truffles can grow in many different soil types, but before cultivation and innoculation site must be treated with lime to increase the pH of the soil. More importantly, to reduce competition it is ideal clear for a couple years to reduce the amount of ectomycorrhizal fungus.

Likewise, black truffles are also sensitive to extreme temperatures; however, I was unable to obtain useful temperature datasets. Therefore, decreased the overall accuracy of the map. Nevertheless, there were successful cases of truffle cultivation in Southwestern B.C., and with the help from knowledgeable mycologists from the Truffle Association of British Columbia, B.C. could be the next destinistination for truffle lovers!




Truffle Cultivation Specialist


Mello, A., C. Murat, and P. Bonfante. 2006. Truffles: much more than a prized and local fungal delicacy. Fems Microbiology Letters 260:1-8.

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