Standard English Name(s): Labrador tea
Local English Name(s):
Scientific Name(s):
Ledum groenlandicum Oeder
Upriver Halkomelem Name(s):
Downriver Halkomelem Name(s):
Island Halkomelem Name(s):

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Description, Habitat, Ecology, & Distribution:
     This small, much-branched evergreen shrub bears long, often drooping leaves that are covered with dense, rusty hairs on the lower surface. The clustered white flowers produce small, drooping capsules. Labrador tea inhabits swamps and bogs from low to middle elevations along the entire coast of the province.

Upriver Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):
     The leaves were gathered year round, dried, and used to make a beverage tea.

Downriver Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):
Island Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):

     The leaves of this bog-loving plant may be used to make a fragrant tea.