Standard English Name(s): nodding onion
Local English Name(s) (if different from above):
Scientific Name(s): Allium cernuum Roth in Roem.
Upriver Halkomelem Name(s): st'exut (A. cernuum), 'uniyuls (A. cepa, <English)
Downriver Halkomelem Name(s):
Island Halkomelem Name(s):

Description, Habitat, Ecology, & Distribution:
Nodding onion is a perennial plant that grows from small, clustered bulbs. The leaves are basal, linear, and grasslike. The flowers are pink to rose-purple, and grouped in clusters that droop, appearing to nod. This species occurs in dry, open woods, exposed grassy areas, rocky crevices, and sandy soils. It is scattered, but locally common, at low elevations along the coast.

Upriver Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):
  Nodding onion and possibly also Hooker's onion (A. acuminatum) were gathered in June and July. The bulbs were eaten raw and steamed in underground steaming pits.
Downriver Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):
Island Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):

     The Island Halkomelem name shown above refers to nodding onion and perhaps other native species. In the post-contact period, this name has been extended to refer to the introduced garden onion (A. cepa L.).