Standard English Name(s): Sitka spruce
Local English Name(s) (if different from above):
Scientific Name(s): Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.
Upriver Halkomelem Name(s): c'qw'ulhp
Downriver Halkomelem Name(s): c'qw'ulhp
Island Halkomelem Name(s):

Description, Habitat, Ecology, & Distribution:
This is a large (to 70 m [230 ft] tall) cone-bearing tree. The leaves are 4-sided, stiff, and very sharp. The seed cones are reddish-brown to brown, with thin, wavy, irregularly toothed scales. Sitka spruce occurs in pure or mixed stands, often on moist, well-drained sites throughout the coast.

Upriver Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):
 The pitch was used for chewing gum.
Downriver Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):
A mixture of the bark of this species and other medicinal plants was used to treat tuberculosis.
Island Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):