Standard English Name(s): yellow cedar or cypress, or Alaska cedar or cypress
Local English Name(s) (if different from above): yellow cedar
Scientific Name(s): Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don in Lamb.) Spach
Upriver Halkomelem Name(s): pa:xuluqw
Downriver Halkomelem Name(s): paxuluqw
Island Halkomelem Name(s): pashuluqw

Description, Habitat, Ecology, & Distribution:
      Yellow cedar is a tall (20-50 m [65-165 ft]) cone-bearing, evergreen tree. The flattened branches tend to hang vertically and appear limp. The bark is greyish to greyish-brown. This tree is found in moist to wet sites from sea level (less commonly) to high elevations all along the coast.

Upriver Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):
     Yellow cedar wood was used for making canoes and carved utensils.

Downriver Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):
Island Halkomelem Cultural Role(s):

     Canoes and paddles have been made from yellow cedar wood. In the case of paddles, the wood must first be seasoned for one year.