David Gagan

Professor Emeritus

Areas of Study: CANADA.


David Gagan retired in 2005 after 10 years with the History department at SFU. Dr Gagan served as Provost and Vice-President Academic at SFU for four years in the late 1990s. Prior to his appointment at SFU, he served as Vice-President Academic at the University of Winnipeg and was Dean of Humanities at McMaster University for ten years. In addition to his distinguished administrative career, Dr Gagan is a pioneer in Canadian quantitative social history as well as family and medical history.

Publications (Books)

  • "A Necessity Among Us": The Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital, 1891-1985. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990.
  • The Denison Family of Toronto, 1790-1925. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974.
  • Prairie Perspectives. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970 (edited).

Publications (Articles)

  • "Writing the History of Ontario in the 1980s: Discovering a Distinct Society," Acadiensis, 21(Autumn, 1991).
  • "Working-Class Standards of Living in Late-Victorian Urban Ontario: A Review of the Miscellaneous Evidence on the Quality of Material Life," Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, I (Spring, 1991), 171-194 (with Rosemary Gagan).
  • "Social Class and Ethnicity in Recent Canadian Historiography," British Journal of Canadian Studies (Spring, 1990).
  • '''For Patients of Moderate Means': The Transformation of Ontario's Public General Hospitals, 1880-1950, " Canadian Historical Review, LXX (June, 1989), 151-179.
  • "Some Comments on the Canadian Experience with Historical Databases, " Social HistorylHistoire Sociale, XXI (November, 1988),300-303.
  • "On Regression Models With Observation-specific Dummy Variables," Historical Methods, 19 (Winter, 1986),5-8 (with P. George and E. Oksanen).
  • "Ontario Members of Parliament: Determinants of Their Voting Behaviour in Canada's First Parliament, 1867-1872, " Social Science History, 9:2 (Spring, 1985), 185-198 (with P. J. George and E. H. Oksanen).
  • "Social History in Canada: A Report on the State of the Art," Archivaria, 14 (Summer, 1982),27-52 (with H. E. Turner).
  • "Under the Lamp Post: A Reply to Emery and Igartua, " Canadian Historical Review, LXII (June, 1981), 197-206.
  • "Property and Interest: Some Evidence of Land Speculation Among the Family Compact," Ontario History, LXX (March, 1978), 63-72.
  • "Land, Population and Social Change: The 'Critical Years' in Rural Canada West," Canadian Historical Review, LIX (1978), 293-316.
  • "Geographical and Social Mobility in Nineteenth Century Ontario: A Micro-study," Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 13 (June, 1976), 152-164.
  • "The Indivisibility of Land: A Microanalysis of The System of Inheritance in Nineteenth¬Century Ontario," Proceedings of the Economic History Association (Spring 1976), 126¬141.
  • "'The Prose of Life': Literary Reflections of The Family, Individual Experience and Social Structure in Nineteenth Century Canada," Journal of Social History, 9 (January, 1976), 367-381.
  • "Enumerator's Instructions for the Census of Canada, 1852 and 1861," Histoire SocialelSocial History (November, 1974),355-365.
  • "Pioneering in the North-West Territories: Harriet Johnson Neville, 1882-1905," Canada, An Historical Magazine, 2 (June, 1975), 1-64.
  • "Historical Demography and Canadian Social History: Families and Land in Peel County, Ontario," Canadian Historical Review, LIV (March, 1973),27-47 (with H. J. Mays).
  • "The Genealogist, The Historian, The Computer and the Invisible Canadian," Families, 12 (Fall 1973), 103-108.
  • "The Historical Identity of the Denison Family of Toronto, 1792-1860," Historical Papers. Ottawa, Canadian Historical Association (1971), 124-137.
  • "A Prophet Without Honour: George Taylor Denison Ill," Military Affairs, XXXIV (April, 1970),56-59.
  • "The Relevance of 'Canada First'," Journal of Canadian Studies, V (November, 1970),36-44.
  • "The Railroads and the Public, 1870-1881: A Study of Charles Elliott Perkins' Business Ethics, " Business History Review, XXXIX (Spring 1965),41-56.