REVISED 12 March 09


This is a ÔSummer SessionÕ course (22 June – 31 July)


HUM 302W-4:     The Golden Age of Greece:                      W/B-HUM

                           An Integrated Study


Department of Humanities, AQ 5115, 778-782-3689


Semester:                     Summer 2009, SUMMER SESSION (1094), D1, Burnaby

Instructor:                    Anne-Marie Feenberg, Ph.D., AQ 5111, 778-782-3763


Prerequisites: 45 units

Course Description:

The humanities have traditionally included the study of history, philosophy, literature and later on, the arts, fields of human study that were developed or defined in the Golden Age of Greece, 5th century BC. Greek philosophers asked questions still debated today; literary studies still refer back to categories elaborated in the fifth century. Our first historiographers were the Greeks who explained the past in terms of human agency rather than myth. Greek art remains for many the ideal expression of creative endeavor. We will read primary sources in these disciplines at the main origin of our cultural traditions and measure the distance we have traveled since, recognizing similarities but also differences in the ways we see the world. We will study and view works of art with the help of slides, video, and film.


Required Texts:

á     Aeschylus, The Persians, in Prometheus Bound, 1990-1998 London ; New York : Penguin Books, ISBN: 0140441123 (pbk.)

á     Aristophanes, The Clouds, Lysistrata in The Archanians; 1973, London, Penguin, ISBN: 0140442871

á     Aristotle, Aristotle's Poetics, New York : Norton, ISBN: 0393952169 (pbk).

á     Euripides, The Bacchae, and other plays. 1972, Harmondsworth, Eng., Baltimore, Penguin Books, ISBN: 0140440445

á      Plato, The Apology, The Symposium, in Benjamin Jowett, trans, Six Great Dialogues: Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus, Symposium, The Republic (Thrift Edition) (Paperback)

á      Nigel Jonathan Spivey, Greek Art, 1997, London: Phaidon Press; ISBN: 0714833681


Course Requirements:

á      Journal                                                     40%

á      Presentation and class participation          20%

á      Term paper                                                           40%