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Student Section

Canadian Association on Gerontology Student Connection
Student Connection - Connexion Étudiante (SC-CÉ) is the student group within the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG).

First, a word of introduction. With other CAG members, the SC-CÉ supports the CAG vision: to be the Canadian authority on individual and population aging, and the CAG mission: to improve the lives of older Canadians through the creation and dissemination of knowledge in gerontological policy, practice, research, and education.

The SC-CÉ has an Executive Committee that represents the interests and concerns of students to the CAG's Board of Directors towards contributing to CAG activities, optimizing benefits for students, and facilitating student participation, particularly with respect to the Annual Scientific and Educational Meetings and the Canadian Journal on Aging. The SC-CÉ seeks to recruit CAG student members towards fostering a sense of student ownership of and future regular membership in the CAG upon graduation. Currently, the SC-CÉ Executive Committee is drafting a constitution and a strategic plan to articulate our organizational principles.

In October, 2001, we created a new SC-CÉ website to discuss issues of concern to students of aging; exchange information regarding job opportunities, research, practice, and conferences; and network with students frrom across Canada and around the world. We also maintain an email distribution list to direct members in order to maintain direct contact.

For Further information

Kristine Votova, Student Connection-Connexion
Étudiante President