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Home >> About IAG >> Regions, Comlat Latin American & Caribbean Region(Comlat) By-laws
Comité Regional Latinoamericano – COMLAT BY-LAWS (July, 2004) TITLE I – NAME AND DEFINITION ARTICLE 1.- The INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GERONTOLOGY (IAG) has named the representative part of the governmental body of the IAG for the Latin American Region and the Caribbean as “Comité Regional Latinoamericano – COMLAT”. ARTICLE 2.- COMLAT is the official channel that represents the Societies of Gerontology and Geriatrics of the Latin American Region and the Caribbean. Its operation is based on the IAG’s principles and the present By-Laws. COMLAT’s headquarters shall be in the country where the elected President resides. ARTICLE 3.- Formation and organization of the COMLAT are determined by the decisions adopted by the IAG Council, which has sufficient authority and powers to decide on its continuity, termination, change of the structure or composition of its officers (art. 27-IAG). TITLE II - OBJECTIVES ARTICLE 4.- The general objective is to promote the appropriate gerontological and geriatric development within the region (art. 3 and 4 – IAG), with the following particular purposes:
TITLE III – COMLAT MEMBERSHIP AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARTICLE 5.- “COMLAT MEMBERS” are all those National Societies that have been accepted by the IAG and are represented by their IAG Council Member. The Societies shall elect the “IAG – COUNCIL MEMBER(S)” according to the number of active members, and they shall be the only official representatives with voting right before the COMLAT’s Assemblies and/or voting acts. The duration of the IAG Council Members shall be subject to the decisions adopted by the respective National Societies, which shall report the changes to the COMLAT President. ARTICLE 6.- The IAG - Council Members shall elect the “COMLAT BOARD OF DIRECTORS” at a COMLAT Assembly, which shall last four (4) years and shall have the following composition : PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF THE BIOLOGY AREA DIRECTOR OF THE CLINICAL GERIATRICS AREA DIRECTOR OF THE PSICOLOGY AREA DIRECTOR OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCE AREA DIRECTOR OF THE ASSISTENCE AREA DIRECTOR OF THE EDUCATION AREA The President shall designate a COMLAT SECRETARY GENERAL, who shall be a member of the Board but without voting right at the Board’s meetings. ARTICLE 7.- All the “COMLAT Directors” shall be IAG Council Members while in office. The societies shall be able to nominate only one IAG Council Member for the position of Director, in the understanding that in the event of being elected, he(she) shall be their representative for 4 years. No Society shall have more than one representative in the COMLAT Board of Directors. ARTICLE 8.- In the first six (6) months of his(her) conduct, each Area Director shall choose a “Sub-Director of Area” among the IAG Council Members of the region in order to work jointly, informing thereof to the COMLAT President; he(she) shall also present his(her) working program in writing. ARTICLE 9.- COMLAT Board of Directors has authority to nominate as many persons as it may deem necessary to act as ”COMMISSIONER” to carry out a study, work, etc., who shall report annually to the Board and whose duration shall depend on what has been agreed upon. It shall also be empowered to designate working groups in connection with different themes. ARTICLE 10.- In the event that a Director of Area does not accomplish his(her) program, the President shall fix a peremptory term and, if such requirement is not met, COMLAT shall be empowered with the Board’s consent, to remove him(her) from office, what shall be informed to him(her) in writing. TITLE IV – DUTIES OF THE MEMBERS ARTICLE 11. - AS TO THE PRESIDENT:
ARTICLE 15.- All the COMLAT Directors remain 4 years in their positions and must be IAG Council Members. The Societies Members cannot change them during their term of office; if they deem it so, they shall deliver their considerations in writing to the COMLAT President . TITLE V – THE COMLAT MEMBER SOCIETIES ARTICLE 16.- The National Societies shall apply to become members of the COMLAT, furnishing all their background information to the COMLAT President and a copy in English to the IAG President. ARTICLE 17.- The National Societies shall be officially accepted as “COMLAT Member Societies”, once accepted by the IAG. ARTICLE 18.- Every Member Society must inform the COMLAT President and the IAG President the name of its “IAG Council Member”, who shall hold office until the Society informs in writing about his(her) change. ARTICLE 19.- The Member Societies cast one vote at the COMLAT Assemblies; save for the cases provided in article 14, par. A – IAG, in relation to the number of active members of each national society. The same occurs with the IAG Assemblies. ARTICLE 20.- The “Individual Members – IAG” of the region can be COMLAT members but shall not form part of the COMLAT Board of Directors until there exists a National Society accepted by the IAG. The Individual Members can attend the meetings and assemblies held by COMLAT but without the right to vote. ARTICLE 21.- In the event that a Member Society ceases to belong to the IAG for the reasons provided in Article 9 – IAG, its representative shall automatically lose his(her) position within the IAG Council and/or COMLAT Board of Directors, being replaced by the COMLAT Sub-Director of Area. TITLE VI - RELATIONSHIP WITH THE IAG ARTICLE 22.- The IAG-President shall designate all the Presidents of the Regional Committees authorized by the IAG-Council. (Article 19, par.B – IAG). ARTICLE 23.- The IAG-President is the natural President of the Regional Committee of his(her) Region. But upon IAG-President’s recommendation and IAG Council approval another member of that Region may be elected for such position. (Article 27, par. E – IAG). ARTICLE 24.- Changes in the composition of a Regional Committee shall be official only with the approval of the IAG-President. (Art. 27, par.G – IAG). ARTICLE 25.- The IAG-President, upon consultation with representatives of the Board of Directors of a Region and with the IAG-Council approval, may require the reconsideration of its composition for reasons of IAG’s interest (Art. 27, par.H – IAG). ARTICLE 26.- The President and all the members of the COMLAT Board of Directors shall be ratified by the IAG-Council (Arts. 19, par. B and C – Art.27, ar.I – IAG). TITLE VII - ELECTIONS OF THE COMLAT ARTICLE 27.- Elections take place only at a “COMLAT Assembly” held during an International Congress of the IAG or the Region, in order to elect : The next country to realize the COMLAT CONGRESS; The President of the new COMLAT; The new COMLAT DIRECTORS . ARTICLE 28.- The Congress where the elections take place, shall be chosen by the COMLAT Board of Directors and the President shall summon all the Member Societies to the COMLAT Assembly with an anticipation of not less than two (2) months. ARTICLE 29.- The Member Societies can bid for the site of the new COMLAT Congress. For such purpose they shall communicate its intention in writing to the COMLAT President, as well as the name of the candidate to the COMLAT chair for the next period, with a brief summary of his(her) Curriculum Vitae. Also, the Societies may send a list of candidate(s) to occupy the COMLAT positions. Such proposals can enclose by a brief summarized curriculum-vitae of the applicant to Director and the draft Work Programming in the corresponding area to be developed in the event of being elected. ARTICLE 30.- The registration of the nominations can be effected as from the date of call until initiation of the first meeting of the COMLAT Assembly held for such purpose. ARTICLE 31.- The outgoing President of the COMLAT is the one in charge of conducting the election during the COMLAT Assembly, assisted by his(her) Secretary-General. ARTICLE 32.- With the proposals of names sent and those officially presented at said Assembly, the Secretary shall prepare the list of candidates to be host country, COMLAT President or COMLAT Director, or any other issue that needs to be voted. ARTICLE 33.- To have the right to vote at the COMLAT Assembly, each IAG Council Member present at the meeting shall accredit before the COMLAT President exhibiting a letter or fax signed at least by the President of the Member Society, or an electronic mail from the Member Society. ARTICLE 34.- At any COMLAT Assembly and voting acts, an IAG Member Council or a Member Society can delegate its representation on another IAG Council Member. The proxy is to be granted in writing and signed by the IAG Council Member that delegates it or by the President of such Member Society. Such proxy can be sent by letter, fax of electronic mail to the COMLAT President. ARTICLE 35.- The IAG Council Members mentioned in articles 33 and 34 hereof are the only ones who shall have the right to vote at the COMLAT Assemblies. ARTICLE 36.- To exercise the voting right, COMLAT Member Societies shall have paid to the IAG the membership fees corresponding to the respective year, without exception, not owing any previous fees. ARTICLE 37.- The members of the boards of directors of the Member Societies are entitled to attend the COMLAT Assemblies, but without the right to vote. ARTICLE 38.- At the beginning of the COMLAT Assembly, the outgoing President or the Secretary shall read the report of the period, the progresses achieved in the corresponding Areas and any other relevant issue. Then, the proxies received previous to the voting shall be read. Thereafter, it proceeds to vote on the site, the new COMLAT President, or the election of the Board of Directors and any other issue. ARTICLE 39.- Every Member Society shall bid in writing (letter or fax or e-mail) for the site of the next COMLAT Congress, at least two (2) years in advance, indicating who shall chair the COMLAT in case of winning the election. ARTICLE 40.- The IAG Council Members present at the COMLAT Assembly shall vote to choose the site of the next COMLAT Congress, and to ratify the new COMLAT President. They shall vote on a list of six (6) names among the candidates, who must be IAG Council Members, to occupy the position of COMLAT Directors. No Society can have more than one Director of Area. Every voting is secret, in writing, and the decisions are adopted by simple majority. TITLE VIII – RESIGNATION, DEMISE OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. ARTICLE 41.- In case of resignation or demise of the President, the Secretary General shall chair for the remaining period of the office, subject to IAG-Council’s approval. ARTICLE 42.- In case of resignation or demise or removal of a Director of Area, the Member Society to which he(she) belonged shall communicate to the COMLAT Board of Directors the name of his(her) successor, which is to be approved by the Board and finally by the IAG Council. TITLE IX – COMLAT REGIONAL CONGRESS ARTICLE 43.- COMLAT Regional Congresses shall take place every four (4) years. The first one was in Brazil in 1991. ARTICLE 44.- They shall take place in the intervening years to the IAG World Congresses, that is, 2 (two) years after same, unless otherwise agreed upon by COMLAT Board of Directors. ARTICLE 45.- Site, date and chair of the COMLAT Congress shall be agreed upon by the COMLAT Assembly . ARTICLE 46.- As far as possible, COMLAT Regional Congress shall not be effected simultaneously in the same site where another regional or international gerontological event is taking place. ARTICLE 47.- The scientific organization and programming, as well as the cost involved in the realization of the COMLAT Regional Congress are the exclusive responsibility of the Member Society that bids. ARTICLE 48.- When due to sufficient and justified reasons, the “Chair of the COMLAT Regional Congress” does not fall on the future COMLAT President, the former shall terminate his(her) functions upon termination of the Congress. In the event that a National Society wishes to change the person previously designated to chair the COMLAT, it must express this in writing and with the signature of the entire Administrative Commission of such society, sending it to the COMLAT President at least one (1) year before taking over. Such situation shall be analyzed and voted by the Board of Directors of COMLAT, and its resolution informed to the IAG Council, which shall issue the final decision. ARTICLE 49.- The COMLAT Regional Congress site shall be the same as that of the Congress President and future COMLAT President. ARTICLE 50.- The organizers of the COMLAT Regional Congress shall include the participation of the Members of the COMLAT Board of Directors. ARTICLE 51.- COMLAT Board of Directors shall hold meetings during a national congress of any country of the Region and/or by the technological means to be determined. ARTICLE 52.- Once the place and form of the meeting have been decided, the President shall summon the COMLAT Board of Directors with the agenda to be discussed, and shall inform the Member Societies, if applicable. ARTICLE 53.- At such meetings the issues of COMLAT’s interest are to be discussed, emphasizing the work proposals, reports and performance of the tasks of every Director of Area. ARTICLE 54.- The Directors of Area shall report in writing the results of the works under their responsibility and the project to be realized during the next year, furnishing a copy thereof to each member of the Board and to the COMLAT Secretary. ARTICLE 55.- There are two types of COMLAT meetings: the COMLAT ASSEMBLIES, which are presential, and the meetings held by the COMLAT BOARD OF DIRECTORS, which can be presential and/or attended by modern technological means. ARTICLE 56.- At every meeting the secretary shall take the minutes of what has been resolved, which are to be signed by the President and the Secretary. TITLE X - BY-LAWS ARTICLE 57.- The present COMLAT By-laws shall enter into effect upon approval by the IAG-council, which shall take place in Vienna in September 2004. ARTICLE 58.- COMLAT By-Laws can be amended according to resolutions adopted at the COMLAT Assemblies or at Assemblies held at an IAG - International Congress. ARTICLE 59.- The amendments proposed by the present by-laws shall be sent to the COMLAT President and to all the IAG Council Members of the Region at least 30 days in advance to the Assembly. Nevertheless, if 2/3 of those present with voting right deem it appropriate, they may proceed to vote without complying with this requisite. ARTICLE 60.- Any amendment made to the COMLAT by-laws and approved must be translated into English and sent to the IAG Council for its final ratification. ARTICLE 61.- COMLAT Board of Directors shall draft a Manual of Operating Procedures or the regulations it may deem appropriate to clarify the procedures of the By-Laws, which shall be distributed to the Member Societies and then approved at the COMLAT Assemblies. TITLE XII – USE OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION ARTICLE 62.- The official documentation, logo, etc. Shall be used only by the Members of the COMLAT Board of Directors. ARTICLE 63.- Any Member Society that desires to apply for sponsor from the COMLAT or use the COMLAT Logo in its Congress must do it in writing to the COMLAT President. Otherwise, it will be considered a serious fault and submitted to the COMLAT Board of Directors to adopt the corresponding penalties. ARTICLE 65.- COMLAT By-Laws shall be available in the COMLAT web site. ARTICLE 66.- The logo or the authorized design of the official documentation of COMLAT can only be modified by resolution adopted at the COMLAT Assembly. ARTICLE 67.- For the use of symbols in titles, letterheads, shields, etc. both the IAG and the COMLAT logos shall neither be mutilated, modified nor superposed of something. They can only be framed or circumscribed. Any fault n this respect shall be regarded as serious and the corresponding penalties shall be applied. TITLE XIII - FUNDING ARTICLE 68 - Although the COMLAT has no annual incomes, inasmuch as the National Member Societies pay no membership fee, the funds can come from the results obtained with the regional Congresses, voluntary individual donations, concessions of governmental and/or private organizations, as well as from any other source. ARTICLE 69.- COMLAT shall not answer with its funs for any deficit resulting from the realization of scientific events sponsored by it. It shall be able to collaborate economically with the Member Society that is site of a COMLAT Regional Congress, if approved by the COMLAT Board of Directors. ARTICLE 70.- The management of the funds shall be jointly performed by the President and the Secretary General, who shall inform the results in the annual report and balance sheets. TITLE XIV – CLAIMS AGAINST THE COMLAT ARTICLE 71.- The Member Societies or an individual Member have no right whatsoever to claim any funding from the COMLAT. July 2004. Dr. Pedro Paulo Marín Larraín
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