>> About IAG >> Governing
Body >> P.P. Marin, MD

Chair, Latin
American and Caribbean (COMLAT) Region
Pedro Paulo Marin, MD
- MD,
Faculty of Medicine, University
of Chile, 1979
- Magister
in Internal Medicine, Catholic University of Chile 1982
- Geriatric
Medicine, Cardiff, University of Wales, UK, 1988-1989
- Head
Geriatric Dept., Catholic University of Chile, 1996
- Assistant
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Chile, 2001
- President,
Centre of Geriatric and
Gerontology of the Catholic University of Chile, since 2000
Hospital services
- Professor
of Internal Medicine at the University Hospital of the Catholic
University of Chile since 1983
- Professor
of Geriatric Medicine at the University Hospital of the Catholic
University of Chile since 1996
- Head
of the Geriatric Service of the University Hospital of the Catholic
University of Chile
Scientific assignments
- Founder
and President 1994-1998 then
Director since 1999 of the Geriatric and Gerontological Society of
Council Member since 1995
- Director,
Chilean Internal Medicine Society, 1998-2001
- Member
British Geriatric Society, since 1979
- Member
American Geriatric Society, since 1981
- American
College of Physicians - FACP since 2002
Research Interests