>> About IAG >> Regions
>> North America
Officers and
Bylaws: North America
Roger J.M. McCarter, PhD
Professor Genetics Center
Department of BioBehavioural Health
Genetics Center
Gardner House
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16803
Phone +1 814 865 1717
Email: rjm28@psu.edu
Vice Chair
David Espino, MD
Professor of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas
USA 78229
Fax +1 210 223 6940
Email: espino@uthscsa.edu
Secretary General
Mark W. Rosenberg, PhD
Professor of Geography, Queens University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 3N6
Fax +1 613 533 6122
Email: rosenber@post.queensu.ca
Society of America
Toni Antonucci, PhD
University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248, 426 Thompson St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248
Tel: +1 734 763 5846
Fax: +1 734 647 0861
Email: tca@umich.edu
Roger J.M. McCarter, PhD
Professor and Deputy Chair
University of Texas Health Sciences Center
Department of Physiology
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX
USA 78284
Phone +1 210 567 4329
Fax +1 210 567 4387
Email mccarter@uthscsa.edu
Jim Sykes, MA
University of Wisconsin
2100 Rowley Ave.
Madison, WI 53705
Tel: +1 608 238 2015
Fax: +1 608 238 2013
Email: jtsykes@wisc.edu
Geriatrics Society
Eric Tangalos, MD
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street, SW
Rochester, MN 55905
Tel: 1 507 284 5126
Fax: 1 507 266 0036
Email: tangalos@mayo.edu
David Espino, MD
Professor of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas
USA 78229
Fax +1 210 223 6940
Email: espino@uthscsa.edu
Bernard Roos, MD
Professor of Medicine
University of Miami School of Medicine
1201 NW 16th Street
Miami, FL 33125
Tel: +1 305 324 3388
Fax: +1 305 324 3365
Email: broos@med.miami.edu
Association on Gerontology
Norah Keating
Professor and Co-Director, Research on Aging
Policies and Practice
Department of Human Ecology
3-22 Human Ecology Building
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2N1
Phone: 780 492 4821
Fax: 780 492 4821
Mark W. Rosenberg, PhD
Professor of Geography, Queens University
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
Fax +1 613 533 6122
Email: rosenber@post.queensu.ca
Canadian Geriatrics Society
Howard Bergman, MD
Jewish General Hospital
3755 Cote St. Catherine Road, Room E-0012
Montreal, QC H3T 1E2
Phone: 514 340 7501
Fax: 514 340 7545
Email: howard.bergman@mcgill.ca
Revised 3/8/2000
Title I Name
Article 1 The organization is called the North American Regional Committee of the International Association of Gerontology (IAG) hereinafter referred to as
Article 2 The secretariat of NARC shall be in the offices of the Society from which NARC’s Secretary has been elected.
Title II Aims
Article 3 NARC has four main purposes:
a) To promote the interests of the member societies of NARC pertaining to international activities within the purview of the IAG.
b) To elect an individual to represent NARC at meetings of the IAG Executive Committee, at the invitation of the IAG Executive.
c) To conduct, with the Latin American Committee of the IAG, the quadrennial Pan American Congress on Gerontology and Geriatrics.
d) To promote and assist in program development and the arrangements for the IAG Congress.
Article 4 Members of NARC will carry out the aims of the IAG and NARC through their respective societies, as stipulated in Article 3 of the IAG bylaws.
Title III Membership
Article 5 The members of NARC include the American Geriatrics Society (AGS), the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) and The Gerontological Society of America (GSA). Additional members will be considered only when and if directed to do so by IAG.
Article 6 Member societies of NARC must be in good standing with the IAG.
Title IV Dues and Finances
Article 7 NARC shall have no dues.
Article 8 The cost of conducting the necessary affairs of NARC shall be borne by the member societies.
Title V Governance
Article 9 NARC shall be comprised of three representatives[1] from each member society. Executive Directors and society Presidents shall be ex-officio members of NARC, without vote.
Article 10 The nine representatives, appointed by authority and criteria of the member societies, shall elect-from among the representatives duly appointed to NARC – a Chair, Vice Chair and a Secretary.
Article 11 Terms of members and officers shall be from the close of one International Congress through the end of the following Congress, a period of four years. The appointing authority in each member society shall fill any seats vacated by a member’s inability to serve.
Article 12 The Chair shall serve on the Congress Planning Committee representing NARC and participate in other IAG Committees as requested.
Article 13 Should the Chair be unable to serve, the Secretary shall assume the full responsibilities of the Chair.
Article 14 Each member society shall name one person from among its representatives to serve on an executive committee of NARC should such a group be formed. These individuals will be responsible for maintaining communication with their society leadership and members.
Article 15 NARC may create ad hoc committees as may be desirable or necessary to advance its mission and work. The Chair shall appoint members to such groups.
Article 16 NARC shall meet when appropriate at the call of the Chair or by request of the representatives of any two member societies.
Title VI The Pan American Congress
Article 17 NARC, in cooperation with the Latin American Regional Committee of the IAG (COMLAT), shall conduct the Pan American quadrennial Congress.
Article 18 Primary responsibility for the Pan American Congress shall be carried by the Region in which it is conducted.
Article 19 The Congress President shall be named by the Region in which the Congress will be held. This person shall be responsible for all aspects of the Congress and for making a full accounting to the Regional Committee sponsors. Neither NARC nor COMLAT, nor their member societies, shall assume financial responsibility for the Pan American Congress.
Article 20 The venue for the Pan American Congress shall alternate between the Southern and Northern hemispheres. Because the 1995 Congress was in South America and the 1999 Congress in North America, the 2003 Congress shall be in South America at a site determined by COMLAT.
Title VII Adoption and Amendments
Article 21 These Bylaws shall be deemed effective when approved by AGS, CAG and GSA and endorsed by the IAG.
Article 22 Amendments to these Bylaws shall be made by consensus of the members
following consultation with the member societies and with the approval of the IAG and made effective at the first meeting following those approvals.
[1] Following the principles of the IAG bylaws, representation is based, approximately, on the number of members of each society.