Dr. Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda
E:mail: Gabriela_Aceves-Sepulveda [at]


The Graduate Research Colloquium aims to be a forum for the building of community, for exposure to a diversity of research work and methods, and for fostering understanding of disciplinary commonalities and differences. The School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) is a strongly interdisciplinary program and the Research Colloquium aims to reflect this by exposing students to a broad range of approaches to research in the areas of Interactive Arts, Design and Technologies.

Through this colloquium series, presentations by SIAT faculty, SFU non-SIAT faculty, and outside visitors will be scheduled alongside presentations by students. Where possible, presentations by international visiting researchers will be integrated into the program. The emphasis is on a community of research that includes students. 

This colloquium is designed to engage students in discussion and debate on the utility, results and methods of research; on work-life balance; on health and wellbeing; to be introduced to one another and to the members of the broader research and industry community.

In Spring 2022, the colloquium is scheduled to take place in person every Wednesday, 12:30-2:20 pm in room SRYC 5380, Surrey Campus. However, as per the most recent announcement by SFU's president, the Colloquim will follow the temporary shift to remote learning from January 10-23, 2022.

As we move on through this semester, please make sure you check the SFU Return to Campus Policy regularly for any updates.

Requirements and grading policies are available for students registered in the course on CANVAS.