Sept 18 - Healthy Relationships & Boundaries Workshop

The Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office at SFU will be giving a workshop on the topic of: Healthy Relationships & Boundaries Workshop. All students are encouraged to attend. Due to the nature of the workshop, we ask that only students attend.


This session will explore what healthy relationships can look like. We often learn about navigating relationships from those around us, including our friends and family members as well as the broader society through the media we consume. Relationships are different for everyone, and differ by peoples’ lived experiences, needs, abilities, and personalities. This session provides a Canadian context to understanding why consent matters when thinking about healthy relationships and communities. You will also explore the potential warning signs of what unhealthy relationships can look like. Through this process, you will gain knowledge on boundaries, including how to be respectful of someone’s limits and how you can feel empowered to set the same. By the end of the session, you will develop an awareness of SFU resources and services that will support you in building and maintaining healthy relationships. This workshop has been developed with a graduate student’s experience in mind. Let’s join a conversation and learn more about how we can build stronger communities together.