Primary Education Support - Teacher Preparation and Professional Development in Jamaica (1999-2000)


Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of Jamaica


Inter-American Development Bank


In its plans to implement a newly revised curriculum into all primary schools in Jamaica, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) anticipated several problems within the education system. The MOEC and IADB appointed consultants in several sub-component areas to examine the potential problems and make recommendations to assist implementation. The seven-person Teacher Preparation and Professional Development (TPPD) Quality Sub-component Team undertook to:

  • Analyze the situation with respect to the system of teacher preparation and professional development and develop a strategic plan in those areas
  • Determine the technical and financial inputs needed to achieve effective implementation of a revised curriculum in all the country’s primary schools

The team's procedural and conceptual approach involved literature and documentation reviews; interviews and conversations during school and college visits; meetings and presentations by various interest groups; ongoing contact with other sub-component groups; reflection and "progressive focusing" in which ideas, possible courses of action, and recommendations became more specific.

