Miguel A. Aguilar

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)

Miguel is a professional archaeologist and anthropologist from the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal of Peru and the Universidad de los Andes from Colombia. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in History at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.

Miquel has been a professor of archaeology at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and a visiting professor at the Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Argentina.

Miguel currently works with traditional Indigenous communities in the North Central Highlands of Peru in the region of Ancash to preserve and promote their cultural heritage.

He has published a number of book chapters, papers and three books on Latin American Social Archaeology. Miguel contributed a chapter to the volume “Being and Becoming Indigenous Archaeologists,” edited by George Nicholas.  

Miguel is descended from the Quechua community of Palca, located in the Central Andes of Peru. He consider himself an Indigenous archaeologist.