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— interview with Franco Dominici


Established in 1983, Segis immediately succeeded as a quality and design oriented company. This attitude, together with a strong commercial dynamism, an extraordinary technological know-how, and an absolute quality care, allowed the company to achieve fast growth with stable international success. These achievements, driven by the devotion, courage and intuition of Franco Dominici, company founder and managing director, have brought Segis along the difficult pathway to design excellence.

— Referenced from

Interview Ideas

  • An in-person example of Tuscan culture and values.
  • Tour of the Segis factory and the product line, involving discussions of the keys to running a successful factory and product line.
  • Tuscan relationship to Milano - competition as a good motivator.
  • The pressures and difficulties for young designers today.
  • The requirements for being successful and working hard in Italian design, or any part of life.
  • Italy's design culture withstanding the rising competition from the Far East.

Video/Key Quotes

  1. The Mindset of a Tuscan and Dedication to Qualityopen link
  2. Italy's relationship to China in product designopen link
  3. Risk, Innovation, and the Judgment of Othersopen link
  4. Motivation through Fierceness of Competitionopen link

What We Learned

This tour and interview allowed us insight on why Italian design is successful, and how the dedication to quality is deeply rooted in Tuscan traditional values. Franco Dominici himself was an in-person example of Tuscan values, as was his factory. At Segis, we witnessed the careful attention to detail, the efficiency, and the craftsmanship of the factory workers. Franco's continued references to working hard, making the most of himself, and dedication to his work made him a walking example of Tuscan values and the attitudes that have been embedded into his nature: Take the best people, have the best environment and make the best product.

Segis is a small to medium sized manufacturing company and uses the system Franco calls 'Just-in-time' production. This allows the company to be economic by saving money and space. However, he explains how organization is key in this system, which is why he emphasizes on the importance of people and environment.

With regards to discussion about Milano and why it is so innovative and successful as an innovation centre, Franco talks about the competition in Milano as a driving factor, as well as the craftsmanship of the workers and the ability to choose the best of the best designers to make a product.

Dominici’s opinion on the relationship of Italy to China is that Italy needs to maintain its dedication to quality in order to stay ahead. He feels that as long as Italy doesn't slip, they will be fine because they are still leading innovators and the companies in the East are not as quick or effective in product development.

When developing a product, Segis considers all aspects of living comfortably and pleasantly as well as a wide range of other factors, which drives the thinking process for all their products. Dominici explains the importance of all the thought that goes into his products and that this is what makes them so successful.

Dominici feels that it is important for young designers to have an ability to take risks. He also understands that it is difficult to make a name for yourself in the marketplace.