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Recent Publications:

  • Three-Dimensional Conductive Fingerprint Phantoms Made of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate/Graphene Nanocomposite for Evaluating Smartphone Scanners, Clayton W. Schultz, Mirette Fawzy, Farzad Nasirpouri, Karen L. Kavanagh,* and Hua-Zhong Yu, ACS Appl. Elec. Matls. 3, 2097 (2021).
  • Geometric effects on carrier collection in core-shell nanowire p-n junctions, Mingze Yang, Ali Darbandi, Simon P. Watkins, and Karen L. Kavanagh, Nano Futures 5, 025007 (2021).
  • Abrupt degenerately-doped silicon nanowire tunnel junctions, Cristina Cordoba, Taylor Teitsworth, Mingze Yang, James Cahoon, Karen L. Kavanagh, Nanotechnol. 31 415708 (2020).
  • Axial EBIC oscillations at core/shell GaAs/Fe nanowire contacts, Mingze Yang, David Dvorak, Karin Leistner, Christine Damm, S P Watkins and K L Kavanagh, Nanotechnology 30, 025701 (2019).
  • Three-dimensional imaging of beam-induced biasing of InP/GaInP tunnel diodes, Cristina Cordoba, Xulu Zeng, Daniel Wolf, Magnus T Borgström, Enrique Barrigon, Axel Lubk, and Karen L. Kavanagh, Nano Letters 196 (2019) 3490.
  • Jiaming Wang, *Symphony H. Y. Huang, *Christoph Herrmann, Shelley A. Scott, François Schiettekatte, and Karen L. Kavanagh, “Focussed Helium Ion Channeling Through Si Nanomembranes”, Vacuum Science and Technology B 36, 021203 (2018).
  • S. Alagha, S. Zhao, Z. Mi, S. P. Watkins, and K. L. Kavanagh, “Electrical Characterization of Si/InN Nanowire Heterojunctions”, Semiconductor Science and Technology 33, 015008 (2018).
  • Christoph Herrmann, Pavlo Omelchenko, and Karen L. Kavanagh, “Growth of h -BN on copper (110) in a LEEM”, Surface Science 669, 133-139 (2018).
  • Saaketh R. Narayan, Jack M. Day, Harshini L. Thinakaran, Nicole Herbots, Michelle E. Bertram, Christian E. Cornejo, Timoteo C. Diaz, Karen L. Kavanagh, R. J. Culbertson, Franscesca J. Ark, Sukesh Ram, Mark W. Mangus, and Rafiqul Islam, “Comparative Study of Surface Energies of Native Oxides of Si(100) and Si(111) via Three Liquid Contact Angle Analysis”, MRS Advances (June): 10.1557/adv.2018.473 (2018).
  • Karin Leistner, Kenny Duschek, Jonas Zehner, *Mingze Yang, Andreas Petr, Kornelius Nielsch, and Karen L. Kavanagh, “Role of Hydrogen Evolution during Epitaxial Electrodeposition of Fe on GaAs”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165, H3076-H3079 (2018).
  • Christian E. Cornejo, Michelle E. Bertram, Timoteo C. Diaz, Saaketh R. Narayan, Sukesh Ram, Karen L. Kavanagh, Nicole Herbots, Jack M. Day, Franscesca J. Ark, Ajit Dhamdhere, Robert J. Culbertson, and Rafiqul Islam, “Measuring Surface Energies of GaAs (100) and Si (100) by Three Liquid Contact Angle Analysis (3LCAA) for Heterogeneous Wafer Bonding”, MRS Advances (July): 10.1557/adv.2018.