Media Education Questionnaire

Instructions: Media education and multi-literacy studies brings together diverse fields of knowledge ranging from Language Arts, Citizenship and Culture, Personal Health and Consumer Literacy, to Applied Technology and Design. The following survey asks you to indicate your own approach to media education in the classroom. This survey particularly seeks to determine how media literacy intersects with your teaching practices, priorities, availability of resources, and subject areas. We do not ask for your name but would appreciate your responding to the following questions on line or by printing this questionnaire and faxing it to 604-291-4024 as quickly as possible. Thank you for your participation in efforts to map the scope of media literacy in BC schools and do not forget to click the Send final results button at the end of your session.

1. What grade(s) do you normally teach?

2. How long have you been a teacher? In which district do you presently teach?

3. a) Have you had any training in media education? If yes, please describe:

b) Do you have access to information about available media education opportunities? If so how is information communicated?

c) What resources have you used in teaching media education?

4. To what degree are you familiar with the media education components of the IRPs for your grade level?
Never looked
Glanced over
examined them carefully

b) Into which subject areas do you integrate media education? (rate all that apply on a scale from 1= rarely to 5 = frequently)

English Language Arts

Social Studies

Health and Career Education

Arts/ Crafts

International Languages





If you used the category "Other" above please specify:

4. c) Do you think media education requires the use of popular culture materials within the classroom (e.g. recent movies, magazines, TV shows)??

If yes, what purposes drive your selections of media??
Literary Critique
increase access to material
comparative discussion with novel
to reach diverse learners

If you used the category "Other" above please specify:

Please comment on how easy it is to work the media education components into the current IRPs.

Part II:

1. On a scale of one to ten how important would you rate the following as learning objectives for your students? (rate each on a scale from 1= not important, 10=essential)

Mass Media and Society Literacy Issues:

Make sense of advertisements and consumer culture

Understand the qualitative differences between popular and literate culture

Describe the influence of mass media on democracy

Critiquing stereotyping and ideological biases in popular culture

Gaining understanding of media industries

Gaining understanding of media genres and aesthetics

Gaining understanding of media design and grammar

Promote critical reading of news and current affairs

Develop research skills using media sources (including internet and newspapers)

Understand how people are influenced by and influence mass media messages

Awareness of internet risks and safety issues

Learning to discriminate validity of sources

2. Which selections of media literacy topics do you generally incorporate in your class discussions? (rate all that apply on a scale from 1= rarely to 5 = frequently)

Making informed selections while using TV, movie, DVD

Deconstructing the biases of news and current affairs issues

The influence of mass media on their choices as citizens

How people are influenced by and influence mass media messages

Advertising and Consumer Literacy

Health and Nutrition

Bullying and Violence

Drugs and Alcohol

Fast Food Culture

Internet and Personal Safety

Use of Stereotyping (gender, issues in diversity, sexual orientation)

Time management

3. On a scale of one to ten rate the degree to which your students appear to be engaged by the following media?

News broadcasts



Radio/ Music

TV entertainment

Movies; DVDs


Video games

If any, which of the above media do you use in the classroom for teaching?

4. Do you feel your students need to be informed about any of the following marketing techniques?

Political advertising and negative political campaigning

The reasons behind corporate advertising on TV

Product placements in films, TV, magazines, rock videos

Cross marketing

Internet advertising on entertainment sites

Celebrity endorsements in TV commercials

Corporate sponsorship and social marketing

Political and government sponsored advertising

Role of marketing within the school system

Part III:

1. a) What do you think media education is?

b) What do you feel it is not?

2. a) Do you think the need for media education in schools has increased or diminished over the past twenty years?

b) Why or why not?

3. At what age should students be taught critical evaluation of media?

4. a) Do you encourage students to produce their own media in class? ?

If so which media forms have students been involved in producing??
Web design
Class Video
Music Video
Short films

If you used the category "Other" above please specify:

5. Should media organizations (broadcasters, cable companies, government agencies, and commercial marketers) be involved in supporting media education projects?

6. What is the single most important support you need to enable you to teach media education more successfully?


You're done! Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this survey. Your time and effort are very appreciated. If you have any questions please direct them to

e-mail address: (optional)

Finally, if you have any comments or suggestions regarding the survey, please include them below.