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Welcome to Communication, one of the most integral professional skills anyone can further develop. Because communication is one of the top skills an employer is looking for, the following stories show how you can strengthen your communication skills, confidently convey your thoughts, and excel in any professional, academic, or personal setting. As you scroll through, you will be able to see how communication comes in a variety of forms such as interpersonal, non-verbal and intercultural, but is also the foundation of other important situations such as networking, public speaking and marketing.

a man working on his ipad
Branding Yourself

You have the skills, the experience, and you know you can ace that interview. Now how do you get noticed so that you will be invited to an interview?

Four students chatting with each other while sitting down.
Networking Anxiety? Just Do It!

I wouldn’t classify myself as one of those people who can walk into a room and meet people easily. Though I’ve been making an effort to push the boundaries of my comfort zone, I’ve always been an introvert by nature. Unfortunately, as a business student, networking seems like an important skill to learn.

Eiffel Tower
Five Ways to Gain International Experience

Interested in International Opportunities? SFU has many ways to get involved regarding volunteering, co-ops and mentorships. Read on to discover the many ways you can gain international experience while at SFU.                                                                                                                                   

Elizabeth, author, smiling
My First Month

This blog will chronicle the next eight months as I complete my second and third co-op terms as a member of the TELUS Marcomm team. My first co-op term was in Fall 2010 when I spent four months as the web intern for the Vancouver Canucks. 

8 studnets standing in a line with their hands in the air celebrating
What I Really Learned on My Co-op Work Term

Fulfilling your learning objectives is one thing, but what did you really learn on your co-op work term? The OLC asked some current and former co-op students what lessons they took with them so you can make your next work term a success.

Two women smiling at the camera while they make food
Lunch Time Bonding

It's been three months since their arrival in India. The girls look back at their initial experiences and how far they have come since then. Martyna shares their interaction with the girls at Destiny Reflection and her thoughts on being surrounded by such powerful women. 

A large group of people walking towards the Golden Temple situated on a lake
From Amritsar to Sonagachi

Have a sneak peak at the girls' quick getaway visit to Freeset, an organisation similar to Destiny Reflection, located in Kolkata's red-light district. While they were there, they managed to visit some wonderful sites such as the Taj Mahal and the Golden Temple. 

Table and chairs lined up in a classroom with classroom paraphernalia on the tables
The Archana School for Girls

Martyna, Lindsay, Christine and Silvia share their visit to the Archana School for girls and what they have learned from this invaluable experience. 

Poster with a list of services provided: CT Scan, Digital X-Ray, Ultrasound

As the girls further their learning experience in Kolkata, they come across new findings and lessons everyday - either from each other or from their new surroundings. In this entry, Christine shares her thoughts on a Gender and Health seminar the group participated in and how that has helped her develop a better understanding of Indian culture. 

Group of people gathering around a table, looking at a document together.
Details Matter – In Defence of Grammar Police

Grammar police can be annoying. Infuriating, even. Yet, I can’t help but feel a small triumph whenever someone exposes themselves as actually caring about proper spelling and grammar.

Silvia, Lindsay, Christine and Martyna smiling at the camera with their co-worker, Diya
SFU Health Sciences Takes India!: Introductions

Meet the girls! Martyna, Silvia, Lindsay and Christine introduce themselves here by telling us about their hobbies, their likes and dislikes and what they love about India so far. Get to know them and follow them on an arm chair journey around India! 

Dog standing next to basket with ducks in it
Misconceived Perceptions About India

We all have our own sets of biases and preconceived notions, but unless we experience things first hand, they are merely based on conjecture and not facts. Martyna is here to break down some common misconceived perceptions about India by providing a comparison between horror stories she's heard from friends before leaving and the true reality of living in India. 

Handmade clothing
A Little More About Destiny Reflection

Looking to find out more about Destiny Reflection and all the opportunities they have to offer? Here are some details on who the foundation is, how they came about and what their plans are for the future. Come take a peak! 

Children sitting on a fully decorated float
The Liminal Moment: Our Arrival to India

This is where it all begins. Four SFU Health Sciences Co-op students share their incredible journey to India as they land in Mumbai, one of India's largest cities. Along with some new friends, Lindsay, Martyna, Silvia and Christine take a quick tour of Mumbai before heading off to Kolkata.

An angry woman screaming
Getting A Handle On Conflict

There’s no denying it – people see and understand the world differently, and it’s only a matter of time before perspectives clash, right and wrong get mixed up, and feelings get hurt. But it’s pretty clear that different people handle conflict uniquely.

People fighting
Conflict – The Nature of The Beast

Conflict. Why oh why do you plague us so? You are an inevitability – it’s just a matter of time before someone or something disagrees with someone else, and they’re suddenly in a position of deciding between actions towards resolution, mediation, antagonization, or blissful ignorance.

Article banner
Overcoming your Fear of Public Speaking

Hate giving in-class presentations? Looking for ways to improve your public speaking skills? Here are 3 easy steps to ace your next presentation!

a girl on her laptop
The Perfect Portfolio

In addition to doing research about the company and job role, as well as preparing great answers, portfolios of work and achievements are becoming an increasingly important part of the interview process.

Statue of deities
Durga Puja 2011

Unlike just any festival, Durga Puja is likened to "Disneyland, the Olympics, Christmas and an art gallery all in one." Join Martyna, Silvia, Lindsay and Christine in their celebration of Durga Puja, an annual Hindu festival in Kolkata. As they weave through busy streets and celebrate festivities, the girls share their exciting experience with us in this blog entry. 

Two women are talking to each other while each holding a book. They are smiling at each other.
Why Be a Career Peer Educator?

Do you want to hear directly from Career Peers about their thoughts on volunteering as a Career Peer? This article showcases reflections from Career Peers on their experience. 

Top 10 Articles
2010 Top 10 Articles

The year is winding down and we take a moment to reminiscence about this year's top 10 best articles. It wasn't easy choosing the top 10 as there were several articles we liked, but here are the articles we thought were best.

People on Mount Fuji
Re-Entry Culture Shock: The Sojourner’s Homecoming

Trying to decide if going on an International Co-op Placement is right for you?  Follow these words of advice so you can make a well informed decision.

Monica smiling on the sands of a beach
Studying Down Under

Monica Hartanto spent a semester studying at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.  Read about here experience here, and get tips on how you can study abroad too!

Woman and man in a workplace
Where is Harassment and Discrimination? Right Under Your Nose, Perhaps.

School, work, home. That’s considered the typical routine of a young adult – they go to school for higher education, work to stay in school, and relax at home.  If only life were as simple as that. Drama in the form of harassment and discrimination is a reality for many people including students.  Can you recognize harassment and discrimination?

A group of people in a conference
Working Internationally: How I got to spend 6 months in the Caribbean...and got paid!

Like most grads, I wanted to see the world after I finished my degree. But with student loan debt and not a lot of savings, I knew that I would have to work and travel in order to fulfil my dream of seeing the world!

Gateway of India Monument in Mumbai (Bombay)
Sheena Takes On the Mumbai Marketing Scene

In her third year as a Communication major, Sheena Rupani returns home to Mumbai, India and proves that an SFU student has what it takes to compete on the international marketing scene. In a setting where high stakes rely on time management and clear cross-cultural communication, this international co-op celebrity takes self-directed study to the next level.

Handshake neon lights
Use Empathy to Master Your Next Job Interview

Busy week! Sometimes it seems like there’s a never-ending stream of students to see, employers to contact, people to follow up with, meetings to attend, and… well, blog articles to write!

Ryan Kitching
Flying the Coop: A Change of Pace in Ottawa

Through Arts Co-op, I landed a position which has helped me bridge the gap between education and the workforce, and has also provided me with valuable experience working in the Canadian public service.

International Spotlight: Greece!

Greece is considered the Mother of western civilization as well as the birthplace of the Olympic Games, philosophy, democracy and delicious food. It's also a great place to work!

a bird's eye view shot of a work space between two people facing each other
Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are a great way for you to get an inside look into the day to day functions of a career path you want to pursue and help you to focus your self-directed work search.