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Connie and a colleague
Start Your Career with Co-op

Ever wondered if Co-operative Education is right for you? Are you unsure if it’ll help you find the right job? Having doubts if Co-op can help you with your career path? Well think again!

people holding a bc lions flag running across the field
Life After Co-op: From Footballs to Law

As an SFU Co-op alumni Susan Seto is one of the many success stories of the the program. Since graduating in 2008 her co-op experience has shaped her career and changed her life.

Canucks Team
An Intern's Perspective

Marla Liguori is a Communications co-op student at SFU, and for her first Co-op experience she was able to spend the 2010-2011 season with the Vancouver Canucks as a marketing intern. She shared with us what she’s learned and why she thinks the Co-op program is a stellar addition to any degree.

International Spotlight: India!

With a splash of colors embedded in a fervent and deep culture, where history seems to have no beginning and end, India nurtures her inhabitants. Tradition of tolerance and the togetherness/fusion seen in the family and racial harmony, add to the vitality and variety of Indian life and fundamental values inspire each generation. Read on to set the wheels in motion for your international experience in India!

A large group of people walking towards the Golden Temple situated on a lake
From Amritsar to Sonagachi

Have a sneak peak at the girls' quick getaway visit to Freeset, an organisation similar to Destiny Reflection, located in Kolkata's red-light district. While they were there, they managed to visit some wonderful sites such as the Taj Mahal and the Golden Temple. 

Canucks team photo
Giving Back

The Vancouver Canucks are well known for their community involvement, and every semester they hire two interns to work with the community relations team. Michelle Muravi was one of these lucky picks last season and she shared with us what it’s like to work behind the scenes in the latest instalment of the We Are All Canucks series.

Elena Barbir posing with a friend at a soccer game
RISE to the Occasion

We highlight the experience of Elena Barbir, Chemical Physics major, in the RISE program which has sent her to Germany. RISE is a dynamic summer program that offers undergraduate students from Canada, USA and the UK in an opportunity to receive work experience in research labs for a period of three months.

Table and chairs lined up in a classroom with classroom paraphernalia on the tables
The Archana School for Girls

Martyna, Lindsay, Christine and Silvia share their visit to the Archana School for girls and what they have learned from this invaluable experience. 

Poster with a list of services provided: CT Scan, Digital X-Ray, Ultrasound

As the girls further their learning experience in Kolkata, they come across new findings and lessons everyday - either from each other or from their new surroundings. In this entry, Christine shares her thoughts on a Gender and Health seminar the group participated in and how that has helped her develop a better understanding of Indian culture. 

Head of the BC Public Service Don Wright welcomes everyone to the public service oath renewal ceremony
Student Interview Tips from the BC Public Service

The BC Public Service is hiring! If youre considering applying for a position with the BC Public Service or have an upcoming interview with them, read on to learn about their interview tips and strategies.

Silvia, Lindsay, Christine and Martyna smiling at the camera with their co-worker, Diya
SFU Health Sciences Takes India!: Introductions

Meet the girls! Martyna, Silvia, Lindsay and Christine introduce themselves here by telling us about their hobbies, their likes and dislikes and what they love about India so far. Get to know them and follow them on an arm chair journey around India! 

Dog standing next to basket with ducks in it
Misconceived Perceptions About India

We all have our own sets of biases and preconceived notions, but unless we experience things first hand, they are merely based on conjecture and not facts. Martyna is here to break down some common misconceived perceptions about India by providing a comparison between horror stories she's heard from friends before leaving and the true reality of living in India. 

Simon Kwok: Working at RIM

From working at RIM (Research In Motion) for a year before graduating, SIAT convocation speaker Simon Kwok shares the bits and bytes of his Co-op work experience as an interaction designer in Toronto.

Handmade clothing
A Little More About Destiny Reflection

Looking to find out more about Destiny Reflection and all the opportunities they have to offer? Here are some details on who the foundation is, how they came about and what their plans are for the future. Come take a peak! 

Children sitting on a fully decorated float
The Liminal Moment: Our Arrival to India

This is where it all begins. Four SFU Health Sciences Co-op students share their incredible journey to India as they land in Mumbai, one of India's largest cities. Along with some new friends, Lindsay, Martyna, Silvia and Christine take a quick tour of Mumbai before heading off to Kolkata.

Volunteer to Enrich Your Co-op Search

Offering up your time and skills for a cause you believe in can also benefit your career. There is great value in putting yourself out there, to discover what you love doing, or to expand on your skills doing what you love.

Image of students in South Africa
Outreach in Enkanini

Earlier this year, five SFU students traveled to Cape Town, South Africa with the Light and Love Home organization to support humanitarian projects in the township of Enkanini. They recently spoke to the OLC to share their story with us.

Dreams Come True banner
Dreams Come True

What if you could score your dream job? Through a lot of hard work, dedication, and determination, writer Derek Jory did just that when he landed himself with the career he had dreamed of since he was a little boy.

an ice hockey game with the view of the rink
From Intern to Web Coordinator

Do you worry about making the transition from a student to a full-time employee? Well stop fretting and read on to find out how SFU alumnus Karen Sum transitioned from a Canucks intern to a full-time website coordinator.

glass and plate shattering from being dropped
Make Excellent Mistakes

What is your fear? Is it fear of… Heights? Taking risks? Making mistakes? Something else? Answers will vary but one of Yat's biggest fears is making mistakes. However, despite this fear of mistakes, throughout several Co-op work terms over the last couple of years, he has had his share of experiences making them. Read more to learn about Yat's mistakes, and how to learn from yours. 

CARE program banner
C.A.R.E. SFU Global Travel Award Program

The C.A.R.E. SFU Global Travel Award Program has funded air travel for students volunteering abroad with not-for-profit organizations since 2010. 

Banner of Canucks Game
Scoring the Job

If you have a passion for hockey and can afford to work without a weekly pay cheque (a $1000 honorarium is provided at the end of the term), then applying for a Co-op job with the Vancouver Canucks could prove to be an unforgettable experience. Landing a coveted internship isn't easy, but if you're up for the challenge, read on and you could soon be calling yourself a Canuck.

Portrait of Ronil
From the Lecture Hall to the Office

Ronil Desai’s eye opening journey through his first co-op position with Teekay Shipping Corp. Attending university involves many deadlines and countless interactions with fellow students and professors, not to mention a constant effort to prepare students to succeed in the workforce......

Hockey Face-off
Persistence Trumps Talent

Have you met people in your life that have ample talent but struggle with motivation? Back in middle school, Yat was never a bright student. Like Bunko, he put too much emphasis on thinking inwards and constantly exerting energy towards tasks that were not producing positive results. Yat has since learned a lot, and is wanting to share his wisdom with you: 

sun peaking through a forest of trees
Following Guidance

When Yat was younger, he did what everybody – parents, teachers, counsellors – told me to do. Like Johnny Bunko, he was trapped into doing something he didn’t want to do. He focused on the wrong courses and exerted my energy on things that did not inspire or motivate me. Read more to find out how Yat found his path in university. 

a girl lying on top of her books because she's tired
It's Not About You

In the summer of 2008, Yat worked 40 hours a week while going to school with a full course load. Managing time was essential to getting things done, but everyone has struggles with time management. Read more to find out the lessons Yat learned while reading the book, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko

image of a girl smiling at her laptop screen

Will your resume catch the attention of an employer? Marcia Shimizu, a SFU Co-op Coordinator reviews three key points to consider when creating your résumé.

Image of the Author
Leif Stroman's High-Tech Co-op Experience

Leif Stroman shares his amazing  high-tech co-op experience, working in Whistler for Recon Instruments. As the only software engineer for Recon's new Transcent goggles, he was able to influence major product decisions from start to finish (which included plenty of mid-air and mountain-top testing!)

Image of the Author
My Time as a Canuck Insider

What would a co-op placement be like if part of your job was to interview Canucks players and write reports of their games? Take a peek at Elizabeth's co-op and what it was like to be a Canucks insider.

a girl on her laptop
The Perfect Portfolio

In addition to doing research about the company and job role, as well as preparing great answers, portfolios of work and achievements are becoming an increasingly important part of the interview process.

Statue of deities
Durga Puja 2011

Unlike just any festival, Durga Puja is likened to "Disneyland, the Olympics, Christmas and an art gallery all in one." Join Martyna, Silvia, Lindsay and Christine in their celebration of Durga Puja, an annual Hindu festival in Kolkata. As they weave through busy streets and celebrate festivities, the girls share their exciting experience with us in this blog entry. 

view of capetown, south africa
Home Sweet Home

As Kayla returns home from Botswana, there is much to reflect upon the differences between cultures and the way of living. Read what Kalya has to say and how International Co-op has brought her to an epiphany.

aerial view of south african landscapes
Exploring South Africa

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB).  In this final article, the winds guide Kayla to South Africa where she explores Capetown and Durban before heading home.

aerial view of Swakopmund, Namibia
Exploring Namibia

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB).  In this article, the eighth in the series, Kayla explores Namibia and gets stuck several times in the sand dunes.

San people smiling and laughing
The Gods Must be Crazy

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB).  In this article, the seventh in the series, Kayla shares her weekend travels around Botswana.

aerial view of Garborone, the city Kayla stayed in
Reality of HIV/AIDS in Botswana

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB).  In this article, the sixth in the series, Kayla discusses the reality of HIV/AIDS in Botswana.

Kristen at work
A Day in the Life of a CRA Taxpayer Services Agent

Kristen Ryan worked as a taxpayer services agent for Canada Revenue Agency. Read more about what a typical day looked like during her co-op term.

aerial photo of the Okavango River in Botswana
Kayla, I Swam the Delta

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB). In this article, the fifth in the series, Kayla swims the Delta, meets elephants and chased by a hippo.

Cement pathway in Gaborone, Botswana
Challenges of the Pace of Life

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB). In this article, the fourth in the series, Kayla shares some of the challenges of the pace of life in Botswana.

Prince George or Bust

Marilyn Brennan shares her experiences and adventures while working on a Co-op term for Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Department (TARR) at Fort St. John. In Part 4 - Marilyn reflects on her many unique cross-Canada travelling experiences during her Co-op work term.

Kid posing with a fake bear head
Work Excitement

Marilyn Brennan shares her experiences and adventures while working on a Co-op term for Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Department (TARR) at Fort St. John. In Part 3 - Work Excitement, Marilyn plans the Aboriginal Day Celebrations and gets firsthand experience dealing with government policy.

Trees near a river

Marilyn Brennan shares her experiences and adventures while working on a Co-op term for Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Department (TARR) at Fort St. John. In Part 2 - Adventures, Marilyn shares with us her first work-related road trip to Doig River First Nation.

Picture of the mountains and rivers
A Beginning

Marilyn Brennan shares her experiences and adventures while working on a Co-op term for Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Department (TARR) at Fort St. John. In Part 1 - A Beginning, Marilyn reflects the challenges arriving in a new city to begin her Co-op term.

General Motors headquarter in China
Co-op Alumni Profile: John Zhang, General Motors, China

Join our series of Co-op Alumni interviews. Each profile contains valuable reflections, tips and career advice. Meet John Zhang, Manager of Business & Portfolio Planning, General Motors China and SFU Business Co-op graduate.

View of the city and temple from a height in Japan
Co-op Japan: The Experience of a Lifetime

The Co-op Japan program is more than a way to add an international job to your resume; it can also be a trip of self-discovery.  Two co-op students share their memorable experiences in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Children running and playing
Helping Children Attend School

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB).  In this article, the third in the series, Kayla explains her role in helping vulnerable children attend school.

Changing grades
Get an 'A' on Your Performance Review

Want to ace your performance evaluation at the end of your work term? Don't just do your job... excel! Make a positive impact and get amazing reviews from your employers.

Laura posing in front an airplane
Considering International Co-op? Some Helpful Tips to get You Started

Trying to decide if going on an International Co-op Placement is right for you?  Follow these words of advice so you can make a well informed decision.

Terracotta Warriors
Working and Playing in China

One of the perks of working internationally is travelling internationally! Read more about Communication Co-op student Carlie Thauvette as she and some other Co-op students take a break from their work term at CIBT to travel to some of the cities outside of Weifang, China.

two people on a boat docked at shore
War and Generosity: On My Own in the Philippines

Working internationally allows you to immerse yourself in places unlike anywhere you've ever known. Cleo van Wyck, SFU Arts & Social Sciences Co-op student, details her experience volunteering in the heart of the Philippines.

Kite Festival
Carlie's Adventures in China

Communication Co-op student Carlie Thauvette arrives in Weifang, China to start her fist week at CIBT. Read more about Carlie's experiences settling in and getting into the swing of things living and working in China.

two skeletons standing side by side
Chinese Mummies and Elves: How I Brought the Holidays Home

Carlie's homesickness inspires her to bring in some good ol' Canadian Holidays during her work term in China.  Come join her group of scary ghosts and sparkling angels to help her feel more at home.

image of Thailand's temples
Carlie's Adventures in Thailand

She has travelled and worked in countries around the world. Now, follow Carlie as she reflects on her experience teaching English in Thailand and as she begins her work term at CIBT School of Business and Technology in China.

People on Mount Fuji
Re-Entry Culture Shock: The Sojourner’s Homecoming

Trying to decide if going on an International Co-op Placement is right for you?  Follow these words of advice so you can make a well informed decision.