Fall 2018 - PSYC 410 D100
Research Design I (4)
Class Number: 2917
Delivery Method: In Person
Course Times + Location:
Sep 4 – Dec 3, 2018: Tue, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
BurnabySep 4 – Dec 3, 2018: Thu, 2:30–3:20 p.m.
Michael Maraun
1 778 782-5685
PSYC 201, 210, 301, 60 units, and a CGPA of 3.0.
Reviews the basic logic of controlled experimentation, and focuses on analysis of variance designs commonly used in psychological research. Particular emphasis is given to the relative merits of the several designs when there are multiple research questions to be answered. Quantitative.
The readings will be drawn primarily, but not exclusively, from the following sources and will be assigned on an as needed basis. You may obtain the readings from the copier room and make yourself a copy.
Kirk, R.E. (1995). Experimental Design: Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences (3rd ed). California; Brooks & Cole.
Myers, J.L, and Well, A.D. (1991). Research Design and Statistical Analysis. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
Tentative Structure:
Psyc410/910 will be comprised of two parts:
i. Fundamentals/background/review
a. Data analysis and logic of statistical inference
b. Concept of relationship
ii. Selected quantitative scenarios (provisional)
- 1-way b.s. design:
- ANOVA (general relationship question)
- simultaneous inference (set of specific hypotheses)
- simultaneous inference (otherwise known as multiple comparison procedures)
- 1-way randomized block/repeated measures design and analysis
- p-way b.s. design and analysis
- (p+q)-factor mixed design and analysis
Each of the four assignments will be constituted of a number of checkup questions handed out during microlab sessions. Each checkup question you receive will make reference to an assignment number, and you will hand in, on the relevant due date (see schedule below), all questions making reference to the assignment that is due.
Microlab: There are 14 machines in the microlab, and something around 20 students in 410/910. That is to say, there will have to be some sharing, during our sessions, and it will be, perhaps, a touch cozy. Grad students are, of course, free to use the lab in non-class hours to work on assignment questions, and all students can access SPSSX on any of the university’s many work stations. Alternatively, students may wish to purchase a copy of SPSSX and bring with them, to microlab sessions, their laptops.
Tentative Schedule
1 Sept. 4T 2:30-4:20 rcb6152
2 6TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
3 11T 2:30-4:20 rcb6152 (assignment 1 questions out)
4 13TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
5 18T 2:30-4:20 rcb6152
6 20TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
7 25T 2:30-4:20 microlab (assignment 1 questions out)
8 27TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
9 Oct. 2T 2:30-4:20 microlab
10 4TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
11 9T 2:30-4:20 microlab (assignment 2 questions out)
12 11TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152 Assignment 1 due
13 16T 2:30-4:20 microlab (assignment 2 questions out)
14 18TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
15 23T 2:30-4:20 rcb6152 Midterm
16 25TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
17 30T 2:30-4:20 microlab (assignment 3 questions out /Assignment 2 due)
18 Nov. 1TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
17 6T 2:30-4:20 microlab
18 8TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
19 13T 2:30-4:20 microlab (assignment 3 questions)
20 15TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
21 20T 2:30-4:20 microlab (assignment 4 questions out
/Assignment 3 due)
22 22TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
23 27T 2:30-4:20 microlab (assignment 4 questions out)
24 29TH 2:30-3:20 rcb6152
- 4 assignments each worth 10%: 40%%
- 1 midterm: 30%%
- 1 final (take home): 30%%
A+ 95 and higher
A 90-95
A- 85-90
B+ 80-85
B 75-80
B- 70-75
C+ 65-70
C 60-65
C- 55-60
D 50-55
F less than 50
Registrar Notes:
SFU’s Academic Integrity web site http://students.sfu.ca/academicintegrity.html is filled with information on what is meant by academic dishonesty, where you can find resources to help with your studies and the consequences of cheating. Check out the site for more information and videos that help explain the issues in plain English.
Each student is responsible for his or her conduct as it affects the University community. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the University. Furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the University. http://www.sfu.ca/policies/gazette/student/s10-01.html