Fall 2024 - ARCH 374 D100

Research Design in Archaeology (4)

Class Number: 6501

Delivery Method: In Person


  • Course Times + Location:

    Sep 4 – Dec 3, 2024: Mon, 12:30–2:20 p.m.

    Oct 15, 2024: Tue, 12:30–2:20 p.m.

  • Prerequisites:

    ARCH 101 (or ARCH 201). Recommended: ARCH 282 (or ARCH 372) and ARCH 271.



Introduction to writing a research context, creating research questions, developing hypotheses, collecting, recording and analyzing data to address hypotheses, and report writing.


This course is designed to teach students how to create research projects. Students will learn how to write a research context, to create research questions, to develop hypotheses to address these questions, to collect and record data required to address research questions, and finally to use these data to test hypotheses. The term project will require students to create a workable research design and implement it as a pilot study. This means students will create their own research questions and hypotheses, collect and record data, and use these data to test their own hypotheses to answer their own research questions. The pilot study can be on any topic in archaeology of the student’s choice; however, projects that involve hands-on data collection using archaeological (or modern garbage) collections are preferable. Projects can also involve subject interviews, if this is more appropriate to the student’s goals


  • Short Assignments (3 @ 10% each) 30%
  • Research Context 20%
  • Class Presentation 10%
  • Final Project 40%



No Required text. Readings will be made available online.


Your personalized Course Material list, including digital and physical textbooks, are available through the SFU Bookstore website by simply entering your Computing ID at: shop.sfu.ca/course-materials/my-personalized-course-materials.

Department Undergraduate Notes:

Students with hidden or visible disabilities who may need class or exam accommodations, including in the context of remote learning, are advised to register with the SFU Centre for Accessible Learning (caladmin@sfu.ca or 778-782-3112) as soon as possible to ensure that they are eligible and that approved accommodations and services are implemented in a timely fashion.

Deferred grades will be given only on the basis of authenticated medical disability.

Registrar Notes:


SFU’s Academic Integrity website http://www.sfu.ca/students/academicintegrity.html is filled with information on what is meant by academic dishonesty, where you can find resources to help with your studies and the consequences of cheating. Check out the site for more information and videos that help explain the issues in plain English.

Each student is responsible for his or her conduct as it affects the university community. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the university. Furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the university. http://www.sfu.ca/policies/gazette/student/s10-01.html


Students with a faith background who may need accommodations during the term are encouraged to assess their needs as soon as possible and review the Multifaith religious accommodations website. The page outlines ways they begin working toward an accommodation and ensure solutions can be reached in a timely fashion.