Spring 2025 - CHEM 316 D100
Introductory Instrumental Analysis (4)
Class Number: 1149
Delivery Method: In Person
Course Times + Location:
Jan 6 – Apr 9, 2025: Mon, 11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
BurnabyJan 6 – Apr 9, 2025: Wed, 11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
BurnabyJan 6 – Apr 9, 2025: Fri, 11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Burnaby -
Exam Times + Location:
Apr 17, 2025
Thu, 12:00–3:00 p.m.
Byron Gates
Office: SCC9026
CHEM 210, 216, and 260, all with a minimum grade of C-, or permission of the department.
Principles and applications of basic analytical instrumentation based upon spectroscopy, chromatography and electrochemistry. Quantitative.
Please note, this course outline was accurate at the time of publication but is subject to change.
Mode of Teaching:
2 lecture hours/week; 1 tutorial hour/week; 4 laboratory hours/week
Lecture: In-person at Burnaby campus
Tutorial: In-person at Burnaby campus
Laboratory: In-person at Burnaby campus
This course offers an in-depth introduction to the main spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques that are in widespread use today. A selection of laboratory assignments will augment theoretical concepts. The principles of signal generation by chemical species will be discussed in class. Discussions will also include the importance of optimizing all stages of an analysis, from sampling and sample preparation to signal detection and data analysis. Key learning objectives include decision making, formulation and testing of hypotheses, and critical thinking as they apply to the analysis of chemical species using a variety of instrumental techniques. The laboratory component of this course provides hands-on experience to develop a working knowledge of key techniques, which will be captured in regular laboratory reports.
Lecture Topics:
Instrument based identification of chemical species, such as using atomic spectroscopic techniques (e.g., AAS, AES, EDS, XRF, ICP, ICPMS) & molecular spectroscopic techniques (e.g., UV-Vis absorption and fluorescence). Isolation of chemical species for qualitative and quantitative analyses will be pursued through chromatographic techniques (e.g., GC, HPLC, CE, IC) and hyphenated techniques (e.g., LC-MS, GC-MS). Lectures will cover the principles of chemical species identification based on instrumental techniques and will include separation theory as it applies to this analysis.
Laboratory Assignments:Assignments will include gas chromatography (GC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy (AAS and AES), and molecular absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy.
Prerequisite/corequisite: CHEM 210, 216, and 260, all with a minimum grade of C-, or permission of the department.
- Pre-labs 5%
- Lab marks (e.g., notebooks, timeliness, cleanliness) 5%
- 40% Lab Reports 40%
- Weekly Quizzes 35%
- Final Exam 15%
Attendance of In-Person Laboratory Sessions: It is mandatory for students to attend all in-person laboratory sessions. If you are unable to attend an in-person laboratory session due to illness, please contact your lab instructor as soon as possible to discuss alternative arrangements.
To pass this course, students must pass BOTH the exam and laboratory portions.
Required Materials:
- Each student must bring their own hard bound laboratory notebook with numbered pages.
- Lab coats and safety glasses/goggles.
Skoog, Holler & Crouch. Principles of Instrumental Analysis. 7th Edition, 2017. Publishers: Brooks Cole or Cengage Learning.
Electronic version recommended. Available from Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 9781305577213
Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Skoog, Holler & Crouch, Custom Edition, or any other edition.
Your personalized Course Material list, including digital and physical textbooks, are available through the SFU Bookstore website by simply entering your Computing ID at: shop.sfu.ca/course-materials/my-personalized-course-materials.
Department Undergraduate Notes:
A grade of C- or better is required for all prerequisite courses.
Registrar Notes:
SFU’s Academic Integrity website http://www.sfu.ca/students/academicintegrity.html is filled with information on what is meant by academic dishonesty, where you can find resources to help with your studies and the consequences of cheating. Check out the site for more information and videos that help explain the issues in plain English.
Each student is responsible for his or her conduct as it affects the university community. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the university. Furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the university. http://www.sfu.ca/policies/gazette/student/s10-01.html
Students with a faith background who may need accommodations during the term are encouraged to assess their needs as soon as possible and review the Multifaith religious accommodations website. The page outlines ways they begin working toward an accommodation and ensure solutions can be reached in a timely fashion.