The Pollination Ecology Lab at SFU

Fun Times!

Runner up award at the 2014 SFU/UBC/UVic EcoEvo Retreat

Theme:  the backup plan, if you weren't a scientist.  So we were a circus troupe, natch.
Photobombed by the Buckaroo Barrista, the winner of the costume contest!
Bearded lady:  Tiia Haapalainen;  Rodeo clown:  Kyle Bobiwash;  Aerialist: Michelle Toshack;  Lion tamer:  Julie Wray.  Ringmaster is EE (wait....that isn't much different from my day job!)

People's Choice Award at the 2013 SFU/UBC/UVic EcoEvo Retreat

Theme:  When I was six.  So we were Trivial Pursuit.  There may have been bribery behind our award, since we gave out candy when people could answer the Trivial Pursuit questions :)
Clockwise from EE:  Hannah Gehrels, Lindsey Button, Kyle Bobiwash, Julie Wray.

Winners, "Best Punchline", at the October 2012 SFU/UBC/UVic Retreat

Because we can't resist bee jokes.  So, what do you call bees dressed as ghosts?  BOO-bees, of course!
(Lindsey Button and Julie Wray)

Department Holiday Party 2011:  Bio Rocks Anthem  

The lab WINS the "Dancing with the Profs" contest!!  Lyrics here
Yes, we did the Party Rock Anthem Dance.  Yep, Elizabeth joined in. 
NO, we won't be posting the video!!!   (unless there is lots of cash involved)
Jane Pendray, Lindsey Button, Julie Wray, Grahame Gielens, Sherri Elwell

SFU/UBC/UVic Retreat 2011

Costumes had to use the acronymn VFD.  I know, but we didn't make it up.  We were VIVIDLY FUNK-A-DELIC.
And should have won best costume.
Julie, Lindsey, Sherri, EE, Gram.

The lab went out to support Gram's Shakespearean debut

Gram's gals, L to R:  Lindsey, Julie, Sherri
So he had a fan club.  With t-shirts.  What's wrong with that?

A bit of a reunion at CSEE in 2011

We're wondering who this guy is...and wanting to have his cool outfit.  But seriously, we were there for the science.

L to R:  EE, Yvonne Davila, Grahame Gielens, Julie Wray, Sherri Elwell, Lisa Neame.

Department Holiday Party, 2010.  "I'm lucky I'm in grad school"

Sung to the tune of the Dropkick Murphy's "Kiss me, I'm sh!#=faced" and quite hilarious:  lyrics here.

Winners, "Most Evolved", at the October 2009 SFU/UBC/UVic Retreat

Theme:  the distant future.  We figured in the distant future bees would be extinct and robots would be needed for pollination.
So yep, we're Robobees. Note the longer antennae (and facial hair) on the drone, and of course the queen has a crown.
You can just make out the stinger on the worker bee, right.
(L to R:  Gram Gielens, Elizabeth Elle, Sherri Elwell)

Spring 2009:  the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth

The lab WINS the "bake a cake for Darwin" contest, with our phylogenetic tree of cupcakes representing the great man's books.

Elle Lab 2008

Because we like those little paper umbrellas in our drinks, OK?
Tanya Jones, Lisa Neame, EE, Nicole Tunbridge, Rachel Mayberry

Elle Lab Research 2006:  the Adult Content Version

Biology Holiday Party 2005:  Twas the Night Before Christmas, FSM Version

Don't know who FSM is?  The Flying Spaghetti Monster, of course.
For more about FSM (and why we are dressed as pirates), go here.
For the words to the skit (and an understanding of why George W. is holding a teddy bear), go here.
(L to R:   Liz Fairhurst, Elizabeth Elle, Nicole Tunbridge, Brad Kennedy, Rachel Mayberry;  Eileen Jones in front)

More goofy stuff to come, I'm sure....