Mexico City Photos 2


9 MR 1951 - Present

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9800b Front shot of MASA 9800 at Chapultepec Terminus. Photo by Carl Turner. July 2001.

9878 Front shot of MASA 9878 at ISSSTE Zaragosa Terminus, followed b y an unidentified MASA. Photo by Carl Turner. August 2001.

9718 Front shot of MASA 9718 at Tetilpico depot. The next two trolleys are unidentified. Photo by Carl Turner. August 2001.

9740 Front-left side shot of MASA 9740 next to 9737 at Tetilpico Terminus. Photo by Carl Turner. August 2001.

4480 Front shot of MASA 4480 at Zaragoza Terminus, followed by two more MASA trolleys. My, what a difference a few years will make. Photo by Carl Turner. August 2001.

9745.1 Interior shot of MASA 9745. Photo by Carl Turner. August 2001. Another interior shot of MASA 9745. August 2001.

9745.2 Cab shot of MASA 9745. Photo by Carl Turner. August 2001.

9757 Masa 9757 on what appears to be a counterflow lane. Photo by Carl Turner. September 2001.

9774 Masa 9774 on the same counterflow lane. Photo by Carl Turner. September 2001.

4349 Strange working on the ISSSTE Zaragoza - Chapultepec service. Normally operated by 9xxx series Trolleys. MASA 4349 was also running. Photo by Carl Turner, June 2002.

9803 Masa 9803 going to Chapultepec. Photo by Carl Turner, July 2002.

4403a Masa 4403 in rather sad shape. Photo by Carl Turner, July 2002.

4429a Masa 4429 also in rather sad shape. Photo by Carl Turner, July 2002.

3311 CCF Brill T-44 3311, ex-Montreal 311, at Tetepilco Yard. Photographer unknown. Supplied by Wally Young. 30 MY 1973.

3281 CCF Brill TC-46 3281, ex-Los Angeles 281, at Chapultapec Park. Photographer unknown. Supplied by Wally Young. 30 MY 1973.


MC-6 Masa 4403 in rather sad shape. Photographer unknown. Date unknown.

MC-8 Unidentified St. Louis. Photographer unknown. Date unknown.

MC-9703 Masa 9703. Photo by Alexandr Zisser. 2009. courtesy TrolleyMotion.

MC-StL-1 St. Louis 865 and St. Louis 875, ex-Muni trolleys, on scrap row in Mexico City. They were scrapped for parts. Photographer and date unknown. From the collection of Steve Scalzo.

Ex Dallas Brill and ex San Francisco Marmon Herrington in Mexico City. Photographer, date and location unknown. From the collection of Steve Scalzo

Mexico City Routes

Mexico City Servicio de Transportes Eléctricos routes (in Spanish)

Mexico City Maps


Mexico City Photos 1
This page last updated 7 JN 2009