Vancouver's Former Routes


 Route  Name  Destination  Opened  Closed  Notes
           Route numbers were not used until sometime between 1950 and 1952. As of 5 SE 05, the Hastings Express (35), the 41 (41), and the Cambie (5) are completely gone. Only the wires on Cambie have been removed due to RAV construction.
Forty-First Loop on east side of CPR tracks just east of Arbutus at W. 41st St. Loop site is now a MacDonald's restaurant.


1950/1952 A branch of the Granville Line (then unnumbered), this branch became part of 41 Forty-First from Camuson to Victoria. Numbering probably started about the time of this reorganization or shortly there after.
 2  E. Broadway  Renfrew Loop  19--  1952/53  Through-routed with the 5 Robson. Replaced by the 9 Broadway either in 1952 or in 1953.
3 Main Downtown/SE Marine Dr. 1953 4 SE 2005 The downtown Terminus (Davie daytime, Robson night) cut back to Columbia and Cordoba Sts..
 5    Robson and Cambie  1999?  2002  Extended portion of line cutback to preceding downtown terminus. Caused by fiscal cutbacks and probably lack of heavy ridership.
 9  Broadway  Boundary/UBC 19--  (2001)  The extension to UBC was discontinued. It reverted back to the old terminus at Blanca. The Renfrew Loop was closed and removed. Initially, the Renfrew trips went as far as Broadway Stn. Later those trips were continued to Boundary, eliminating all continuous short turns. Some trip existed for peak hour workings, but those are far from frequent. After the Millenium Line opened, short turns were introduced at Broadway Station daily. Reextended to UBC during rush hours, 2 SE 03.
 10  Tenth  Blanca Loop


 5 SE 1988

 AU 1968  Dieselized when the line was extended to UBC. Reelectrified when wires were extended to UBC. Route number changed to 17 UBC. 3 SE 03 linked with the 17 Oak.
 11/19  Stanley Park  Chilco Loop  19--  DE 1992  Renumbered as the 19 when or after it was combined with the 19 Kingsway. The Stanley Park leg was dieselized when the left turn at Chilco was banned after a serious accident. This leg reopened after the the wires were extended into Stanley Park, 2 SE 2003.
15 Cambie Downtown/ SE Marine Dr. 1948 4 SE 2005 The last few trips lasted into the 5th before returning to the garage. The last revenue trolley, 2767, left Cambie and 64th at 2:44 a.m. It is alleged that 2416 was out and came in slightly later on a non-revenue run.



 Kingswy and Earles 195-   1986  A new terminus was built at 29th St. This resulted in a block of new wiring. Technically, the old terminus has not been entired abandonned. Early Sunday morning a few trips go to Kingsway and Earles before the Skytrain starts operating.



 Kingsway and Slocan  195-  1986  New terminus built at Nanaimo Skytrain extension,. This included a two block extension along Nanaimo to E. 24th St. The old wires still remain seving as pull-ins to and from the Garage.
 34  Hastings Express  Kooteny Loop  1957?  10 AP 1996  Closed when line was extended to Simon Fraser University and converted into a limited stop route. Previously, it ran non-stop from Main St. to Kooten Loop on express wires. These wires still exist today.
 41  41st  Joyce & Kingsway  19--  31 AU 2000  Dieselized when last remaining trippers were extended to UBC. In the 70s every other trip was extended to UBC with a diesel bus. Gradually all daily services were dieselized leaving morning and afternoon trippers as trolley service. Later the afternoon trippers were dieselized. There was one trip that left Joyce Loop around 1:30 in the morning signed as 41 - 41st to Oak. where it turned into the Oakridge Garage. This trip was discontinued and replaced with an early morning trip which goes to Oak St., and then onto another route. One or two in-training trolleys operate occasionally on rte 41 from end to end for driver training in revenue service. (See also the unnumbered Forty-First line)
   Granville  East Boulevard  19--  1950/52  E. Boulevard branch replaced with the 41 Forty-First sometime between 1950 and 1952. It is not known whether the closure happened before or after route numbers were introduced.



Routes are the original; those in parentheses indicate a new route number assigned to the line before discontinuation. This list does not include former through-routings or earlier numbers of routes. One segment of the 41 continued as a garage bound run from Joyce Loop to Oakridge Garage after midnight. This trip is added on to a 7 Nanaimo run, which terminated at Nanaimo Stn., and is then sent to Joyce Loop unsigned in non-revenue service. This was discontinued on 31 AU 2003, and new early morning tripper now leaves Joyce Loop to Oak Street, where it continues on another route.

Last Run of Route 41


This page last updated 12 SE 2005.