Groundwater Resources in Mountainous and Coastal Regions

Evaluation of the long-term sustainability of groundwater in mountainous and coastal watersheds, in light of growing population, presents significant challenges. Our research in these complex hydrogeological settings has been conducted in an interdisciplinary fashion, using a combination of geological (fracture mapping) and hydrogeological techniques (hydraulic testing in fractured rocks), geophysical techniques, geochemistry (major and stable isotope), and numerical modelling (see research projects for more details).

Okanagan Basin Studies

Groundwater Flow Systems in Mountain Regions

Gulf Islands Studies

Risk Assessment Framework for Coastal Bedrock Aquifers

North East British Columbia Studies

Wastewater Regulations Database - Notte, C. and Allen, D.M. (2015) Database of wastewater-related regulations across North American shale gas basin jurisdictions (email D. Allen to request).

Shallow Groundwater Intrinsic Vulnerability Mapping for NEBC - Holding, S. and Allen, D.M. (2015)