Physics 120 Information Sheet
Spring 2005


Neil Alberding, PhD
Office: Burnaby P9444
Telephone: 604-291-4847

Course web site:
Course e-mail list: phys120-d1.
Caucus conferencing system:
All students registered in the course are on the course mailing list and can access the phys100 caucus conference.


Room: Surrey 540
Approximate schedule is listed on our web site.

Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach your textbook

The package you get from the bookstore has three parts
  1. Textbook
    The sections to be read for each lecture are listed on the lecture schedule. Please read the textbook sections becoming to the lecture.

    If you are having a problem understanding a concept (common in physics) look at other books for alternate explanations of it and more examples. See the list of useful books in the library

  2. Workbook The workbook has exercises for each chapter. Some of the 80 min of class time will be used for group work on the workbook exercises. If the chapter's workbook exercises are not completed in class, then the rest will be expected as part of the written homework. Your completion of the workbook exercises will be part of your written homework grade.

  3. Mastering Physics access kit This has an access code for the Mastering Physics homework system.

If you purchase a used book then you might not get the complete package and we need to discuss options for the workbook and Mastering Physics.


Mastering Physics

There will be assignments almost every week. One component of the homework uses a system called Mastering Physics. Mastering Physics allows you to check your answer to problems via a computer with a Web Browser. Answers will be visible after the due date. If you feel the computer is not accepting your correct answer, write out your solution and turn it in before the lecture.

Written Homework

Hand written problems will also be assigned.  Solutions for hand written problems will be posted and you may expect to see similar problems on midterm exams or on the final exam. Some of the problems on the written homework may appear as "Practice" problems on mastering physics with no credit assigned to them. The Mastering Physics version may be slightly different from the textbook version. Please submit your written solution to the textbook version for credit. You must explain you reasoning on the written problems in order to get credit for them.

Homework Help: The "Open Lab"

There is help for homework in the "Open Labs". Days: Wednesday
Time:  13:30—15:50
Location: Surrey 230

There are TAs avaialble to guide your solving the assignment problems. (They will not give you answers nor will they work the problems for you.)

I will be in the "Open Lab" as my schedule permits


There will be two midterm exams at approximately one-month intervals. Exam problems may consist of both written problems and multiple choice questions.

The Final Exam

The final exam will be held at the end of the semester. It will be 50% handwritten problems and 50% multiple choice questions. Questions and problems will be similar to those on the midterms. You must bring picture ID to the exam.


Mastering Physics Homework 5%

Written Homework and Workbook

Midterms, each

Final exam 45%

There are a total of 100 percentage points in the semester. 55% for Term work (Midterms and homework) and 45% for the final exam. Any percentage points missed in the term work, for whatever reason, will be added to the Final's percentage value. So if you get all homework and test problems correct except for one midterm which you miss, the final will be worth 65% because one midterm is worth 20%. If you loose a total of 30 points during the term, then the final will be worth 75%. The formula is as follows:

G = T + (100%-T)F/45%

Where G is the Final percentage grade (Max 100%),
T is the number of percentage points earned during the term (max 55%) and
F is the score on the final exam (max 45%).

For example:

You get 40% out of 55% on the tests and homework
You get 30% out of 45% on the final exam

G = 40% + (100%-40%)(30%/50%) = 76%

Using this system it is not necessary to grant exemptions for missed tests because the missed marks will be captured by the final exam.
The letter grade will be assigned on an absolute grade scale as follows:

Grade Scale:
A+ 90% - 100%
A 85% - 89%
A- 80% - 84%
B+ 76% - 79%
B 72% - 75%
B- 68% - 71%
C+ 64% - 67%
C 60% - 63%
C- 55% - 59%
D 50% - 54%
F 0% - 49%

Last update: 2004 Dec 26