Video Tapes

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PSSC Films

Frames of Reference (Ivey and Hume) (also available on laser disc)
Inertia (26 min) (E.M.Purcell)
Inertial Mass (20 min) (E.M.Purcell)
A Million to One (E.M. Purcell)
Periodic Motion (33 min) (Ivey and Hume)
Elastic Collisions and Stored Energy (27 min)
Forces (23 min) (Zacharias)
Vectors (28 min) (A.Baez)
Elliptic Orbits (19 min) (A. Baez)
Simple Waves (27 min)
Introduction to Optics (23 min)
Coulomb's Law (30 min) (Eric Rogers)


Richard Feynman

Messenger Lectures, Cornell, 1964
We have four of the seven tapes in the series:
1. The Law of Gravitation, an example of Physical Law
2. The Relation of Mathematics to Physics
4. Symmetry in Physical Law
6. Probability and Uncertainty - the Quantum Mechanical view of Nature
Lecture presented at SFU, 4th visit, 1976 or 77
QED in New Zealand (4 tapes)
Idiosyncratic Thinking, presented by Sound Photosynthesis (110 min) tape of Esalen Workshops 1984, 1985
Computers from the Inside Out, presented by Sound Photosynthesis, tape of Esalen Workshops
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out - A Conversation with Richard Feynman (a Nova episode, produced by the BBC 1981)

Robert Greenler - videotapes of lectures presented to a popular audience. The lectures contain many demonstrations. Greenler is a good expositor.
Rainbows, Visible and Invisible (53:24)
Why does a spinning top stop? (57:58)
The clarinet, the washtub, the musical nails: how musical instruments work (58:47) (excellent)

A.D. Moore Remembered (Electrostatics Society) - an interview with A.D. Moore in which he demonstrates some of his electrostatic devices. A terrific tape but probably not good in a lecture. (I am a big fan of A.D. Moore)

The Wonders of Physics - Physics of Energy, Prof Clint Sprott, University of Wisconsin, (58 min) videotape of a demonstration show, accompanies a binder of material The Wonders of Physics Lecture Kit, some good stuff

The Aurora Explained - produced by The Aurora Color Television Project, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska (30 min) non-technical discussion, great shots of the aurora

Demonstrations by Professor Julius Sumner Miller , from the television show, The Hilarious House of Frightenstein
Professor Julius Sumner Miller at SFU (1983)

Demonstration videos for Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th ed by Paul A Tipler. Produced in conjunction with Washington University, Mo, and Scientific American. Approx 25 minutes total.

Albert Einstein, A Legend in Our Time (Nova, March 1979)
Albert Einstein: The Education of a Genius (1974, 44 min)
Good. Narrated by Peter Ustinov. Biographical, not much physics.
Lasers: The Light Fantastic (26 minutes)
an episode of "Innovations" WNET TV 1983, laser applications, some good bits on industrial and medical uses of lasers but slow and dated overall - refers to the LA Olympics "next year" and discusses SDI
The Laws of Motion Applied (part 2 of the series Physics in Action) (England, 1982, 20 minutes)
Quantitative demonstrations of i) elastic collisions on an air track, ii) inelastic collisions on air track, iii) an air gun pellet fired into a block of wood on an air track glider, iv) liquid nitrogen rocket on an air track glider, v) coin and feather, vi) monkey and hunter variation. Refers to the first film in the series and to the booklet which acompanied the series.

Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations - preview tape

Prof Robert Richardson's Public Lecture - Absolute Zero Temperature: A World without Disorder (late 60's early 70's?, 45 minutes) (transfer from 3/4 inch tape)

Disclaimer: All demonstrations are posted for the convenience and benefit of faculty and staff in the Department of Physics at Simon Fraser University and are not intended for outside use. The author(s) assume no responsibility or liability for the use of information contained on this site. Warnings and precautionary measures listed on this site assume normal operation of equipment and are not inclusive. Demonstrations may pose a significant hazard and can, in some instances, result in death; reasonable safety precautions must be taken. Demonstrations should be performed by qualified individuals only.

Prepared by Jeff Rudd, 1999
Revised by Laura Schmidt, 2007

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