Performance Appraisal


February 1990

Revision Date


AD 9.16

Revision No.

  1. Subject: Performance Appraisal
    (Applies to administrative and professional staff only.)

  2. General Policy Statement

    The Simon Fraser University Performance Appraisal Program has been established to enable employees to receive feedback on their job performance, to assist them to become more effective in their jobs and to inform supervisors of the employee's career aspirations.

  3. Definitions

    Appraisal Date - the month and day of the month that the employee was first appointed to her/his current position or the month and day of the month that the employee's position was last reclassified, whichever occurred most recently.

  4. Responsibility

    Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that Performance Appraisals are conducted as close as possible to the employee's appraisal date.

  5. Procedure

    5.01 The Personnel Department will provide departments with lists of employees to be appraised at least two (2) months in advance of the appraisal date. If requested, Personnel will also furnish copies of current job descriptions.

    5.02 The supervisor and the employee being appraised will both draft responses to each section of the Employee Appraisal form. They will then meet in an appraisal interview and review each section of the form in detail.

    5.03 After the appraisal interview, the evaluator will complete the report. The employee being appraised will review the document,
    add any comments he or she may wish to make, and sign the form. The evaluator will also sign the form.

    5.04 The Appraisal form will be forwarded to the next higher administrative level for review, comment and signature and then
    sent to the Dean or Director for review. If the next more senior level is a Dean or Director, the document will be forwarded to the appropriate Vice-President.

    5.05 Completed forms will then be sent to Personnel with copies being routed to the employee and departmental files. The copies sent to Personnel will be kept for three (3) years, then destroyed.