PSA Meeting Minutes - January 30, 2009 ======================================== Attendance: Carolyn Kierans Mehrad Alavino Steven Suh Gabe Scholz Ryo Narumi Zahra Namini Brian Kootte Aditi Ramesh Marcus Puetz Alex Loosley Vincent Chen Senny Foo Eric Thewalt Caira Yue Emil Official Meeting Start at 14:33 ------ Pizza was served + quick quiz for entertainment. Reinbursements -- Steven wants to be reinbursed for: $112.61 for new toner for our printer. $57.75 for the pizza for today's meeting Vote on reinbursing Steven Suh for both items: PASSED PSA Forum -- Gabe promoted the PSA Forum. Steven promises that he will sign up for it after the meeting. Presidency Vote -- Steven wants to give prezidency to someone else, becaues he will graduate soon. The newly elected person will become president immediatly and Steven will teach them. Nominations: Carolym Kierans, Gabe Scholtz, Eric Thewalt Speeches: Gabe - Funny/parodical "campaing-style" commercial against Eric and Carolyn - Legimate speech: - wants to do it - 2 summers rec assistant at YMCA, gave him experience Carolyn - wants to do it - no prior experience - believes that Steven can teach her well Eric - excited to run - has good ideas - more involvement in faculty - invite professors to talk to us (ei: like the CAP speaker during last semester) - well connected in department, so he can get the above done THe nominees left the room and voting commerced. New president of the PSA: Carolyn Kierans Carolyn gave her speech. New Computer -- Steven wants up to $500 dollars for getting a new computer. Vote on Steven being able to spend up to $500 on a new computer: PASSED Conference Reinbursements -- Alex motions to ammend January 9th, 2009's meeting minutes to include the amount ($100) that the people metioned should be reinbursed. The following people requested funding for conferences: Jane, Senny Foo and Gwen Springford - Women in Physics Conference at UCLA Alex Looseley - Golden Key Regional Conference Karol: Due to the separation from the Grad Society and the court battle with CFS, the SFSS has some financial trouble. Money has been cut from different places, including a suspension of conference/travel funding. Not sure what the status of this is, but it is probably in effect. It is recommended that the PSA vote on reimbursing the people above, but leave it up to the SFSS to reimburse the people, when and if it can, warning the people mentioned above that they might not. Vote on reimbursing the people above, given Karol's recommendation: PASSED Should be changed to: The following people requested funding for conferences: Jane Lee, Senny Foo and Gwen Springford - Women in Physics Conference at UCLA Alex Looseley - Golden Key Regional Conference Karol: Due to the separation from the Grad Society and the court battle with CFS, the SFSS has some financial trouble. Money has been cut from different places, including a suspension of conference/travel funding. Not sure what the status of this is, but it is probably in effect. It is recommended that the PSA vote on reimbursing the people above, but leave it up to the SFSS to reimburse the people, when and if it can, warning the people mentioned above that they might not. Vote on reimbursing $100 to the people above, given Karol's recommendation: PASSED Vote on the above change: PASSED Poker Night -- People though it would be fun to have a poker night as a social. This is planned for today at 17:30. This will be a learning environment, where people can either play other beginners or other pros, based on their skill level. Need to order food: - Steven already ordered 2 pizzas - Allocate up to $30 for healthy snacks to be bought Eric, Alex and Steven will get food. Vote for reinbursing Steven Suh up to $30 for getting food: PASSED Steven: Remember to chuck all the garbage at the end. Karol's News From SFSS Forum -- - Rally on Feb 4th against funding cuts to SFU. Come, come.. - SFSS' FoodSafe training free for 2 people, anyone interested? - Only Zahra and Ryo were, more info will be forwarded to them. Adjourned at 15:10