PSA Meeting Minutes - March 6, 2009 ======================================== Attendance: Carolyn Kierans Marcus Puetz Savanna Shaw Gwen Springford Steven Suh Gabe Scholz Eric Thewalt Brian Kootte Vincent Chen Mehrad Alavino Zahra Namini Senny Foo Ryo Narumi Ian Anderson Karol Krizka Claire Official Meeting Start at 15:51 ------ Pizza was served. PSA Social -- Carolyn updates us about the upcoming PSA Social: A bunch of people met on Monday in the physics room and decided on the following: - Time: March 27, 2009 (4pm to 10pm) - Place: Bio-Phys Lounge - Food: Pizza, chips and dips - Drinks: Jones, water and beer - About Beer: - Keg seems to be the best price - Current candidate is Red Truck - Beer will be sold for tickets - Need Volunteers, the following per shift: - 1 sell tickets - 3 serving - 1 beer - Needs Serving It Right - Ryo (already has), Carolyn, Gwen will take the test - Planned Activities - beer pong - limbo - darts? <= not safe, so nulled - Guitar Hero - Wii, if someone brings one - Will be paired with Astronomy Club, so more people will come. Invite Professors -- Carolyn asked us which professor we would like to invite into our common room to talk to us about their research. Idea is to have 3 professors, since there are about 3 weeks left. Suggestions: Mike Hayden Jeffrey McGuirk Paul Haljan Levon Pogosian We will put the names on a list and get people to vote. Get cheap snack When: Monday at 3:00pm Announcements -- Carolyn reminded us about the undergraduate conference at UBC. - March 14, 2009 (Next weekend!) - Free to register (and free Pi), due date extended to March 7, 2009 Register online! Gwen found a scheduled live webcast of physics lectures - April 6, 2009 - Speakers: Hawking, Krauss and many more... - We should get a projector and have a "movie" night - Where: Fishbowl? Can get the faculty and grads involved then too. Carolyn got email from Huyan (a grad student) about Z-Day - May 15, 2009 - Free lecture on better world in "physics" terms - Carolyn will forward it to the mailing list - e-mail Huyan for more info Pizza Reimbursement -- Vote on reimbursing Carolyn Kierans $57.75 for the Pizza: PASSED Steven's Books -- Steven Suh, the ex-president, is graduating soon and he announced that he wants to sell the following books: For $20: - PHYS455 (Modern Optics) - CMPT250 - Microelectronics engineering Not for $20: - CMPT150 - Thermal recommended book (unopened) Adjourned at 16:12