PSA Meeting Minutes - October 8, 2008 ======================================== Attendance: Aditi Ramesh Brian Kootte Vincent Chen Marcus Puetz Keelan Watkins Gabe Scholz Gwen Springford Mehrad Alavino Karol Krizka Alex Loosley Zahra Conrad Eric Carolyn Ryo Official Meeting Start at 12:08 (Chaired by Alex Loosley) ------ Pizza was served at the beginning. Alex Loosely motions to reimburse Eric for $50.34 for the pizza. Seconded by Conrad. Passed unanimously. Announcements and Notices ------ Clean up for yourself in the common room. Career Day ------ One volunteer from the PSA (Zahra) so far, need more. More information on the PSA website. Computer Equipment ------ No update from Steven Suh yet. Sofas and Chairs ------ Everyone likes new setup and the old sofa is still good and a historic symbol. Voted to keep it. Tea time with Leigh Palmer ------ Palmer is a professor emeritus at SFU and has free time due to retirement. He proposed to hold monthly meetings with students to discuss a paper decided one week before. There will be food, that the PSA will fund. The estimated cost is $100 a semester. Roll Call: most people interested in it Alex motions a $50 contribution for this semester. Ryo seconds. Passed unanimously. Alex will relay the message to the people in charge of this. Polls on PSA Website ----- Polls will get "vote to see results" polls most important on site. This has been requested by many people. Meeting adjourned at 12:20